Flight in the Night

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll try not to annoy you,” Eros offered. He kept his voice calm and relaxed but butterflies danced in his stomach.

“Alright,” The goddess said glancing over at Eros. “If you’re too annoying we can swim by a lake and I’ll drown you.” Nike turned back to the glass doors and opening them stepped out into the night air. Eros looked at his father’s bride to see her wink at him. With a hidden smile he followed out after the goddess and both took to the air.

“You know he might not make it back,” Doug commented.

“They’ll be okay,” Alex replied. Her eyes fell on Cupid who mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to her. The blue eyed woman only smiled at him in response.


Nike and Eros flew through the air in almost perfect formation; side by side. Nike loved the way the cool air felt racing over her wings. With new enemies mounting and tretchery everywhere she needed a moment to just breath.

The golden haired goddess looked over and could see even Eros seemed completely at ease now. She was silently impressed they’d been flying for nearly twenty minutes and he hadn’t managed to annoy her already. Nike was sure this was a record for them.

Eros looked over and caught her gaze at him. He almost made a comment but refrained. For once he was going to do everything he could to not ruin their time together.

Eros let his eyes scan the area and noticed a waterfall not far away. He looked back at Nike and signaling her pointed to it. The blue eyed goddess gave a nod and the two Olympians headed for the top of the falls.

Gently the duo landed to the right side of the falls. They approached a couple of rocks and Eros sat down where they could watch the water as it fell.

“Pretty,” Nike commented from where she still stood. Eros nodded but remained silent. “Are you alright?” she asked. The Goddess of Victory was not used to the dark haired god being so quiet.

“I promised not to annoy you,” He said carefully. Nike looked at him surprised. “If that came out wrong I do apologize. I…”

“You really meant it,” she said in almost awe as she looked at Ares son. Eros fell silent and watched as the woman gazed on him without disdain or apprehension. “Your note in the temple; you meant it.”

“Every word,” he said trying to ignore the tingly sensations running through his body. Slowly he rose to his feet.

Nike watched as he stepped toward her. “Eros…” She began becoming suspicious of him.

“If you drown me it’ll be worth it.” Nike’s eyes flew open but she had no time to react as the dark winged god suddenly took hold of her and kissed her passionately.

Eros kissed her with a passion he’d never kissed anyone with. He rubbed a hand down the woman’s side and the moment she gasped he deepened the kiss as he began to dance his tongue with hers. The God of Erotic Love knew at any moment she’d retaliate but he didn’t care. This one time it would be worth it.

The god would have let out a moan if he could as she surprised him by responding to him in a positive way. For a few moments the two seemed to compete for who would dominate the kiss before Nike suddenly pulled away.

Eros looked at her and saw pure fear in her eyes. “What…”

“We can’t do this Eros. We just can’t.” Nike abruptly took to the skies. Eros sighed but quickly followed after the scared goddess.


It was late as Deimos sat on the balcony looking out at the stars. Nike and Eros were still gone. If it wasn’t for his mind being elsewhere he’d have been concerned only one of them would be returning.

“Are you okay?” Deimos looked back to see his father’s bride in the doorway. When he remained silent and looked away the redhead became a bit concerned. “What is it?”

“Why are you afraid of us?” The God of Terror asked looking back at her.

Blue eyes blinked at him surprised. “I’m not afraid of you,” She assured him.

“You’re afraid of my father.” Alex fell silent and looked away. “He’d never hurt you.” Ares’ son watched as the woman looked back at him. “He truly does love you Alexandra.”

“I…you can’t possibly want a mere mortal girl to be your stepmother. You’re older than I am and you’ve seen so much more and know so much more I can’t…”

“Can’t what?” Deimos asked. “Offer advice?” He asked. “You seem to judge others well. Better than I do. When I looked into your fears I never expected to find my father.”

“You looked into my fears?” The red haired woman asked becoming upset and taking a step back.

Deimos silently cursed before quickly getting to his feet. “I wasn’t allowed to hurt you and I would’nt.”

“Then why…”

“Because we need you. My father needs you. You have no idea the effect on him.” Seeing her almost blush and glance away he almost laughed before he added, “Beyond lust.” Alex looked at him still embarrassed. “Eros and Deimos and I are always in trouble with our father. You come along and suddenly…he found his patience.”

“Your father is not patient.”

“He hasn’t beaded you Alex; that’s patience.” The mortal woman looked at the god surprised. Deimos smiled at his father’s bride. “He’s had ample opportunities to start and intensify wars but he hasn’t. I don’t think this world will survive if he loses you. Can you honestly say you feel nothing for him?”

“I never said I didn’t have feelings for your father. I just…”

“Just what?” Alex almost jumped as Cupid made his presence known behind her.

“I just…what went wrong?” Alex asked.

“What?” Deimos followed her gaze and the trio watched as Nike abruptly landed and headed inside. A few seconds later Eros landed.

“What did you do?” Alex asked; her hands suddenly on her hips.

Eros lowered his head like a child that’s been caught by their mother. “I kissed her.” The dark haired god looked up at Alex. “I’m sorry I just couldn’t…”Alex through her arms around him in a supportive hug.

“It’s okay. She’s scared but…she’ll come around.” Turning around the redhead walked inside. She needed to speak with Nike for some one on one girl talk.

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