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Chapter 16


Medusa walked through the woods enjoying the ease of walking in the openness. There was no need to hide what she was tonight. Halloween awarded her the ability to allow her snake hair to enjoy the air as well. The snakes moved in a rhythm pleased at the ability to stretch their bodies and see everything. They did not like being confined.

The immortal woman couldn’t help but feel amused as mortals would turn and stare as she walked by. They thought she was wearing an elaborate costume; completely unaware it was real.

“So glad you could join me,” Medusa said as Echidna joined her.

“How can I not take advantage of Halloween?” The nymph snake creature replied. She walked freely in her nymph form with her yellow green eyes as the only hint something more sinister was hidden behind the pretty brown haired woman. She walked alongside the Gorgon creature wearing a brownish orange garment that would make those seeing her believe she was a wood sprite minus the wings.

“Sense immortals,” Bragwen commented as she and her sister Stheno joined the snake women.

“Aphrodite should be here somewhere,” Medusa said unconcerned.

“Nike?” Stheno said concerned.

“I’m sure. Cupid should be out of the…”

“No he’s not,” Echidna announced pointing over by the pumpkin patch.

“You said goddess get rid of him!” The harpy Ciarda hissed.

“It gets worse.” The group turned to see the half harpy named Maeve that was masquerading as a professor.

“How could…Apollo!” Medusa exclaimed. ‘This is not happening.’ Quickly the group of women scampered out of sight.

“What we do now?!” The Harpy Bragwen demanded.

“I suggest we find out who else is here,” Echidna said dryly.

“It might be quicker to list who isn’t here,” Maeve informed the reptilian and harpy creatures.

“That not sound good,”  Ciarda said.

Looking at Medusa the half harpy mortal creature said, “Poseidon is here.” All eyes fell on the snake haired woman but she didn’t flinch. It was no secret that Medusa teetered between wanting the God of the Ocean and wanting revenge against him for what had become of her.

“Is Zeus here?” Echidna inquired. The half nymph creature groaned seeing the mortal harpy nod. “We can’t attack the girl if most of Olympus is here!”

“Now what?” Stheno asked looking out through the trees at passing mortals.

“We enjoy the freedom tonight brings and perhaps have a closer look at the little mortal,” Medusa said and headed out of the trees.

“Medusa! The gods are here!” Echidna reminded her.

“So they are. They can’t do anything anymore than we can,” She reminded them. Turning back around she walked out of the woods with her head held high. Echidna wasn’t nearly as confident but followed the Gorgons lead.


Nike scanned the area and her eyes quickly fell on a group of women walking her way. “You have got to be kidding me,” She said watching Medusa walking out in plain sight. Movement to her right revealed Ares bride but no Ares. ‘Not good.’ Instantly she headed to the mortals woman’s side.

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