"I've already promised him I would.", he said.

We both laughed. When we were finished eating, I put our bowls in the dishwasher and followed Kazuto into the living room. We sat down on the couch and I cuddled up next to Kazuto. He draped an arm over my shoulders, then grabbed the remote and started the movie. He'd gotten the new Marvel movie, Doctor Strange. It had Benedict Cumberbatch as the main character and I'd been wanting to see it for a long time.

While we watched the movie, my eyelids kept getting heavier and heavier. I rubbed them to keep them open. I was not going to fall asleep during this movie. I'd done that a lot lately, fallen asleep in the middle of a movie. I was determined to stay awake through this one and see the end of it.

I managed to keep my eyes open throughout the whole movie. As soon as the credits started rolling, I stood up and stretched, then turned off the tv and went into the bedroom, where I changed into my nightgown and crawled into bed. After a moment, Kazuto came into the bedroom and got into bed with me. He was already in his pajamas. I assumed he'd changed right after he got home.

Kazuto took off his shirt, then threw it to the side and pulled me close to him. He'd gotten used to sleeping with me in his arms, so it wasn't as much of a problem as when I started being a restless sleeper. At first, he would end up on the floor in the mornings due to me almost pushing him off the bed.

"Goodnight.", I said.

"Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you, too.", I said.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up the next morning, Kazuto wasn't in the bed with me. He was in the kitchen making breakfast. I got up and put a robe on, which I was really glad I did, then walked out to find that there were already people here. Sugu and her dad were sitting on the couch, sorting through some of our things and putting them in different boxes.

"Morning, Asuna!", sugu said, getting up and hugging me.

"Good morning.", I said.

"We decided to come a little early to get a head start on the packing. I think that if we all work really hard, we can have it all packed by the end of the day.", Sugu said.

"Ok. Let me go change, then we'll eat and get started.", I said, rubbing my eyes.

Sugu nodded, then went back to packing. I walked into the kitchen where Kazuto was standing at the stove with his aunt.

"Hey, Mom. Could you grab the milk?", Kazuto said.

I almost forgot that he'd started calling her 'Mom' again. I smiled, then walked over to Kazuto and hugged him.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.", he said. (I know, it's totally cliche)

"Good morning. Whatcha making?", I asked.

"Biscuits and gravy. I thought it would be cool since these are the easiest thing in the world to make and we can serve them without having to stay at the table and eat them.", Kazuto said.

"Yum.", I said, looking into the pan Kazuto was stirring. He was making the gravy out of milk, flour, and bacon grease.

"Isn't this an American recipe?", I asked.

"Yup."Kazuto put on a western accent."Best breakfast in Texas.", he joked.

All three of us laughed, Midori, Kazuto, and myself. I let go of Kazuto then turned to walk out.

"I'm gonna go change. I'll be back in a minute.", I said.

I walked back down the hall and into the bedroom. I opened the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a pink t-shirt then changed into them. If I was going to be packing, I might as well be comfortable.

All I Need Book 2Where stories live. Discover now