Chapter Sixteen

Mulai dari awal

I looked at Sam. All she did was just stand there. Her face was pale, and I'm talking like as pale as a fresh blank sheet of paper. She looked broken, shocked, surprised, hurt, angry, all of the above. 

Suddenly she gulped down and tore out of Liam's arms running away from us.

"What the hell have you done mate!?!?!" Niall screamed. "You don't deserve a girl like Sam! You never did!" 

"You've broken her now, Haz. She's now for sure gonna leave us..." I trailed off saying as tears brimmed my eyes.

I didn't have feelings for Sam. Never have, never will. Sure she's beautiful and smart, funny, kind, and all that but she's honestly like my little sister. It's hard being away from your family for so long and the girl being around is your girlfriend, so I needed someone like that. I needed Sam. I'm glad I have her. Or had her in this case.

"Holy shit what have I done...?" Haz said pounding the wall.

"Yeah..." Niall said. "What have you done? You hurt Sam. She'll never forgive you now."

I couldn't take it, I needed to see her and I'm surprised I hadn't already chased after her. I ran down the hall as the other boys were hot on my heels. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I leant my ear against it to see if I could hear any noise but I heard nothing. I swung the door open and saw Sam lying on the ground. I flipped her over and checked for a pulse. Nothing.

"Oh my gosh! Someone call an ambulance, quick!" I yelled at the boys. All the boys scrammed for their phones and dialled 9-1-1.

"It's alright Sam, your not dead. Your not dead baby girl. It's alright, your gonna be okay. Don't leave, please don't..." I whispered in her ear. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at her pale, pale face. 


I sat there with my head between my hands and leaned on my knees. The rest of the boys were sitting there either on their phone or talking quietly. Harry was pacing back and forth. We were all so nervous. Was this going to happen a lot? 

A doctor came out and I stood up as quickly as possible.

"Is she okay?" Was my immediate question.

He chuckled. "Miss Wood is fine. She just had a panic attack. I've looked back in her records and they say that it's perfectly normal so just try not to get her all panicking otherwise you boys will be here a lot."

I let out a sigh of relief. 

"She did say she wanted to speak with Harry Styles though." The doctor said.

We all looked at each other curiously. Even Harry did. 

"Are you sure it was Harry?" Niall asked.

The doctor nodded. "I quote 'Doc, can you please go get Harry Styles for me?'" We all exchanged glances weirdly. "Which one of you is Harry?" 

"I am." Harry said raising his hand before following the doctor into the room.

Why did she want to see Harry? He's the one that tore her heart. He's the one who put her in this situation. He's the one who almost killed her! Why him!?! Why not me!?! Her best friend!?!?!?!


I walked into the room following the doctor. She was awake on the bed but had drousy eyes and blinked slowly. The doctor left and closed the door and awkward silence filled the air.

I looked at her apologetically. I was about to say something where she put up her hand to shut me up then waved me over. I walked over and sat down next to her. She put her hand on my face and I smiled. She smiled and then slapped my cheek.

"Yeah, I guess I kind of deserve that." I said.

"Yeah, you did. And this one." She said before slapping me with her other hand.

I rubbed both cheeks and looked at her.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I really am. It was a dick move of me. I shouldn't have done it. It's just I was angry that you told the boys and not me. I was angry that it was true. I was angry that you kissed Niall the other day. I was -,"

"Wait, what?" She stopped me. "You know I kissed Niall?!"

"Yeah, he felt bad for me and when we were in the car coming here he told me. I punched him in the face several times though." I smirked.

I smiled but it faded as soon as it got there. she looked down at her hands that were twidling in her lap. She twisted the ring I gave her around on her finger before pulling it off. "Here." She said handing it to me.

"No you keep it. Were not done. It was a stupid thing I said that I regret and take back." I said shoving the ring back to her.

"Harry," she started as tears formed in her eyes making me want to wipe them away and just cuddle her. She let out a deep breath. "I'm going home."


AHHHHH! SO EXCITING! SO MANY PLOT TWISTS! OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU! I'm actually so excited for the rest of the book like I've planned it out so well in my head for the next couple chapters! But I've noticed that I don't have many reads on this book, that actually makes me really upset because I put a lot of time and effort into making it and like no one reads it. Sure I almost have 100 reads, but compared to my other books that have like 5 or 6 chapters and this one has 16 now, it's really depressing.


I have a mission for you minions! I need you guys to tell as many people as possible to read my book! It really helps guys! You guys are the best fans and readers in the world and you make my day with every comment, fan, vote, or read you guys leave me! 

I love you guys to infinity and beyond!!! <333

~Lilli c:

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