Chapter Three

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The weekend came and went as if it were all in one day. It was finally Monday which meant that I only had one day to get what I needed. I needed that information Mac has. I was waiting all weekend for Mac to come back because she gave me a quick text off her brother's phone that she was picking me up to take me out to the mall.

After getting out of the shower and putting on some clothes, I went downstairs where I found my parents sitting and eating breakfast and having mine waiting in my spot at the table. I kissed them both on the head.

"Morning sweet baby." Dad said taking his bite of his now half eaten pancakes. He took a sip of orange juice.

"Morning daddy-o." I replied smiling sweetly and sitting down next to him to eat. I wanted to talk with my parents about tomorrow but honestly, my mind was just stuck on who it could have been that saved me. Mac has all that information and I want to know.

"What time are you heading out to the airport tomorrow baby?" Mom asks catching me back to reality. I look up to see her shoving a fork full of pancakes down her throat.

"The letter says that a taxi will be here at 12PM sharp." I said taing a sip of orange juice. "But I want to get a goodnight's rest so I'll most likely wake up at 11AM."

"Oh I'm sorry honey, but your dad and I will be gone by then. Cappy wants us there early tomorrow." Mom said looking at me apologetically.

"Why did you have to be here?" I asked. It's not that I didn't want them here but why was she so sorry? It's not like it's never happened before. Not the thing about going to One Direction but them not being her by a cab picking me up and taking me to god knows where!

"Well we just wanted to say bye to you tomorrow, and maybe take a couple pictures of you in front of the taxi with your letter and stuff." Dad said. "You'll be gone the entire summer -,"

"Not the entire summer," I corrected him, "remember that I have that tutoring thing in August that I'm still doing? I'll be home that week but then yeah, I'll be gone again." 

"You still get your dad's point. We wanted to be here to say goodbye to you. It's like as if you're all grown up and you don't need us anymore." Mom piped up.

"I am all grown up." I stated smiling. "But it's okay guys. We'll just have to say our goodbyes tonight before I go to bed." My parents smiled but remained silent.

When we finished eating, I helped my mom do the dishes. The regular routine. Her wash and I dry. A silence filled the air but mom broke it almost immediately after dad left the room to go to the garage.

"Did you ever find out who that guy was? I've been wondering all weekend but never got the chance to since we were at work early and by the time we got home you were already in bed." Mom asked eagerly pausing on the dishes to look at me as I dried a mixing bowl.

"Oh mom!" I exclaimed dramatically and playfully whipping the towel at her. "No, I never found out. But he does look oddly very familiar and I desperately want to find out too!" I exaggerated. Mom then had her turn but taking the towel and whipping me with it.

"Ow!" I yelped as she burned me with the towel. We both laughed and finished the dishes. I jogged up the stairs as my parents had left for work. I then sat on the couch and watched a movie until Mac would show up but she didn't show up until about 2PM.

Ding Dong!

I ran to the door and opened it hugging and squeezing her tightly as if I haven't seen her in months when really I haven't seen her this whole weekend. I missed her. Wow, I sound desperate. Wait till I head off tomorrow. What will I do then?

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