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He doesn't have to be an actual ex-boyfriend to have fucked with your head. Whether you've just gotten out of a real relationship or a pseudo one, you still committed your thoughts to one person. And now that it's over, your thoughts naturally must go elsewhere. Sure, you have an uncanny ability to talk at length about this season's Essie colors or whether Kourtney and Scott's love for one another is eternal, but your mind will eventually find its way back to the guy whom you couldn't stop thinking about a week or even a month ago. But you have to stop thinking about him before you can let yourself start thinking about someone else (besides yourself, obviously).

"Power is being told you're not loved and not being destroyed by it."


If you had it easy and had actual closure to your relationship, all you really have to do is wait. Time, Netflix, and SoulCycle heal all wounds. Embrace them. Keep reminding yourself that your breakup was for the best and that even though life sucks right now, it will be so much better later on when your mind is clear of your ex and onto better things like the hot guy you're hooking up with or the new Chanel bag your mom got you for Christmas.

The real way to get over someone you have been under for so long is to find ways to stop thinking about him. But when you do find your mind wandering into ex territory, which typically happens when your phone dies or when the Brazilian-wax technician isn't particularly talkative that day, just let yourself go there. Allow yourself to feel sad about the situation, that you miss him, you miss having a boyfriend, blah fucking blah. A little sadness is normal, lean into it for a few minutes.

Excerpt: I Had A Nice Time and other lies...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin