Chapter Eight

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~Alexis' Point Of View~

Friday Afternoon.

After that strange night nothing else of great importance occured.

Surprisingly, Harry did not pester me all week, but did what seemed like his best to stay away from me.

As Saturday neared, I decided to do my homework tonight so I had a clear weekend ahead of me.

I sat down and stared at the clock, only two more episodes of the vampire diaries. Then I'll start my homework, I promised myself.

~ Two hours later

"No Klaus! She loves you! She just doesn't want to tell you! CAROLINE JUST TELL HIM YOU WANT HIM ALREADY GOD."

I was intensly screaming at the TV, on my fifth episode of TVD.

I could hear my phone chime, announcing that it was 7pm and I had messed up my plan to do homework at 6.

Shit. Shit shit shit. I sighed and plopped down onto the couch. It was too late to start homework, unless I wanted to be up until one am.

I settled on skyping Michelle and Dylan.

They have been my best friends since I can remember.

I was adopted at 8 years old by my current parents and we lived in Florida up until now.

Michelle,Dylan and I met in the third grade, and became best friends because even in third grade we were all nerds.

Michelle always had the most gorgeous brown curls that I envied matched with a pair of blue-grey eyes.

She was always the pretty one, but I don't mind since boys were never my specialty anyway.

Dylan got all the ladies, but never really found one that he liked, or could accept his nerdiness.

To be honest I'll always love him for who he is.

I've been missing them both like crazy though. I can't believe we had to move to Chicago cause my parents got job offers.

They're both financial workers which I find excruciatingly boring.

I've wanted to be a writer since I was a fetus. Seriously. I was reading Shakespeare in my mothers uterus.

I wince and remember that Harry and I have been assigned to perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet together.

As much as I despise him , we should really start working on that project.

I sigh and pick up my flip phone debating whether I should text him or not.


I don't even have his number. I sigh and remember my attempt of giving him mine, so that we could actually do homework.

Speak of the devil.

I held my breath as I saw his name pop up on the screen of my phone.

I hesitated and let it ring for a few seconds before picking up.

I was still holding my breath as I wait for him to say something.

There is dead silence then suddenly a muffled moan.

What? I continue waiting for another sound.

" Oh.. Harry " I hear a shrill voice moan.

I instantly hung up the phone.

What. The. Crap.

Who was that? Did Harry call me while he was .. doing someone?

I shudder at the thought then silently thank the angel Castiel that I hadn't said anything.

That was .. Gross , for a lack of a better word.

Oh here's one, vulgar. I don't need to know what goes on in Mr.Styles' sex life.

Why would he even call me? Did he butt dial me?

That's impossible... unless I'm in his contacts list, which I doubt.

I sigh and put him out of my head as I finally end up calling Dylan and Michellr on Skype.


~Harry's point of view ~

I stumble and fall onto a bed with the random girl that has attached her lips to my face.

I can still taste the eleven shots of vodka I downed that are burning my throat.

I hear ringing coming from my phone, and I place my hands on the girls' waist to try to push her away so I can check who I butt dialed.

She moans my name thinking I'm trying to be sexual, which I would be if only I was in the mood.

I didn't come to this party to get laid I came to this party to get drunk and get my mind off of things.

With Mitch in town, things are probably going to get real shitty real soon so I might as well have fun while I can.

Never Say Never(Harry Styles FanFiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя