Chapter Four

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~Harry's Point Of View~

I lazily slumped out of bed, woken up by my alarm clock, time for school. I groaned remembering the blow to the nose I had recieved yesterday, all the pain flooding back. 

If only that idiotic girl hadn't shown up.

I never would've lost focus and broken my nose. Granted, my nose is fine now, but there are still other issues caused by her sudden appearance. 

Now that mitch had spotted her, he won't let her be until he does something to silence her.

Alexis, being the ignorant girl she is, doesn't know that Mitch has commited many major felonies that could get him sent to jail for a lifetime.

I shuddered as I thought of the lengths he would go to just so Lexis doesn't tell the cops of his presence in Chicago.


I strutted out of my Impala into the parking lot where I spotted the lads. 

I saw Niall and Louis wince as they saw my nose, the damage more visable with all the blood cleaned off.

I gestured to my nose and growled, "Don't worry, it's nothing compared to what I'll do to Mitch if he steps foot in this town again." Or if he touches Lexis I thought sourly.

I had a strange urge to protect that annoying girl, no matter how much I loathed her, it's partly my fault she's in this predicament. 

"Haz, let it go man , it's just another stupid gang" Liam mumbled, always the one hesitant to fight. However , it wasn't just a stupid gang. Like Lexis, Liam had no idea of Mitch's past.


I watched as the figure brought  a gun up to my fathers head. 

"I'm sorry Harry. You know this had to happen. This will be better for both of us" he spoke. BANG. BANG.

Two shots sounded, and my father fell to the floor. 

~End Of Flashback~

All the guilt I felt after that night was slowly replaced by anger. A searing rage accompanied by a mission to destroy the man that had murdered my father.


My first two classes of the day flew by, due to the fact that we weren't to be given assignments on the second day of school, that is, up until I entered my drama class.

"You are to pick and choose any scene from a play written by Shakespeare, and film it so that you can bring it in to class next week to be graded." Mrs.Brown, an old lady that owned too many cats squeaked excitedly. 

I rolled my eyes and groaned. Why couldn't she just ramble on and on about her cats like she usually does, instead of give us actual work. 

"Now since this is a task for two people, you will be getting partners" said the lady, clearly more excited about this than everyone in the room put together.

I sighed, hoping that I wouldn't get partnered up with anyone too irritating.

I tuned out and began playing with my thumbs until I heard Mrs.Brown call out my name and who I would be partnered with. 

My head snapped up when I heard "Harry Styles, and Alexis Emmerstone will be working together"

What!? I frowned in annoyance and confusion. I didn't know she even took this class.

I peered around the room to find her, and noticed she had the same expression as I did. 

Of course I would get paired with her. Just.My.Luck.

I sighed and began to consider my options. 

I knew she cared about her grades so there's no way Lexis would fail this assignment just so that she doesn't have to spend time with me.

I on the other hand, couldn't give two shits less about my grades, so I would be making no attempts to be friends with her or participate in this assignment.  

 So either, we both participate and actually speak to each other ( not happening ),

only one of us participates and does a half-assed job ( most likely ),

or neither of us bothers to speak to each other and try to get this task done, ending with both of us recieving F's (most preferable option). 

I was pulled away from my thoughts as Lexis was making her way over to me reluctantly. 

"Okay. Look, I know you don't like me, and I don't like you, but I care about my grade on this assignment" Of course you do little miss goodie two shoes  I thought to myself and smirked

"So um here's my number and uh call me if you want to meet up to work on the scene." Lexis rambled 

I found myself grinning, she was sort of cute when she rambled. Wait. What the fuck? No she's not cute. 

"Well that makes one of us. Quite frankly I don't give a shit about this assignment and I'd rather shoot myself than have to listen to your endless rambling the whole time." I spat, there, that'll show her to stay away. 

I saw her eyes fill with hurt as she dropped the piece of paper with her number on it and sped out of the drama room and down the hall.

I quickly picked up the scrap and shoved it in my pocket. 

Well someone's a bit moody? I chuckled but then quickly realized I was being a dick.

I hadn't really been used to anyone actually trying to be nice to me, so my instant response was to shoot them down.

I shrugged and brushed it off as the bell rang and I headed towards the cafeteria. 

Author's note! 

Hey guys sorry. We had to re-update because Wattpad updated chapter four accidentally. If you see two chapter four's in the Table Of Contents, just click the second one and it should be fine! Happy reading xx Lexis and Dani 

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