Chapter One

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Hurt me with the truth, don't shield me with a lie.


People never want to be lied to. They always want the truth.

Or so they think.

See, people never want the truth, unless it's what they want to hear. I would know.

Ever since I could remember, I could never tell a lie, no matter how hard I tried. In return, people could never hide the truth from me. The truth always stumbled through their lips and to my ears.

You can imagine how much stuff I know, some details I wish I could burn away from my brains.

I don't know why it's like this. I never asked for it. I don't even like this stupid ability of mine. A simple "how are you today?" turns into a 2 hour rant on how terrible this persons life was, how their goldfish just died, their mom forgot it's their birthday, and their boyfriend is cheating on them with their cat. Or whatever.

It's already enough being the abnormally smart kid. I really don't need any more attention drawn to myself.

So I don't ask questions. I stay quiet. I don't want the truth. For just once, I would like to hear a lie.

After all, lies are shields, and my shield is nonexistent.

AN: wooo hooo I'm writing a phanfic. This is  an introduction so the next chapters will be longer and actually have dialogue. Well, after Dan's intro of course.

Tell me if you like it so far by commenting! Thanks, byyee

Tell me the TruthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora