Yellow Day

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Henry: Today was a yellow day!

*Maybe Willowsby has entered the chat*  

Maybe: Huh?

Henry: Every day has a color. Today's was yellow.

Maybe: Yellow like the eyes of a murderous cat?

Henry: No... More like the sun.

Maybe: Not as interesting, but okay. Guess it makes since, the way you were skipping like a school girl to classes. Your first day and you're already categorized as the most girly male ever.

Henry: I'm not girly. I'm hyper, and I show my emotions. If that's what makes me girly, then you must be the the most manly female ever.

Maybe: I'm not manly. I'm tough, and I'm not an idiot who blushes and stutters and sobs and whines and squeals.

Henry: I heard you squeal when you were watching Doctor What.

Maybe: Doctor WHO. And I was fangirling over David Tennant, it's entirely acceptable. 

Henry: So you have a thing for Time Lords, huh? Well I have this clock. Which I am like a lord to.


Henry: Pretty much

Maybe: Nope. Plus David has awesome hair.

Henry: So your saying my hair isn't awesome?

Maybe: Yeah

Henry: That hurt me. Right here --> <3

Maybe: My pleasure

Henry: So...

Maybe: Sew

Henry: Sough 

Maybe: Soap (Something you don't have)

Henry: Soul (Something you don't have)

Maybe: Ouch

Henry: Ha! I was just playing. What color was your day, bumble bee.

Maybe: Red. And don't call me that.

Henry: Red as in the color of luv???

Maybe: 1. Luv isn't a word. 2. No, red as in the color of blood, my eyes, and the flames of Hell.

Henry: Um, okay.... But your eyes are blue.

Maybe: I know that, creep

Henry: Just making sure. :)

Maybe: I'm at the supermarket. gtg.

Henry: You're on your bed. 

Maybe: Darn curtains

Henry: Yeah, they're pretty thin.

Maybe: EW. Creep. 

Henry: I didn't mean it like that!!! I don't, like, watch you when you change or anything!!!

Maybe: Yeah right, pervert.

Henry: I DON'T!

Maybe: The show will end when I get new drapes.

Henry: It's not like that!

Maybe: Wow, aren't you worked up?

Henry: Yeah, I don't want you to get the wrong impression!!!

Maybe: To late. Bye

Henry: Wait!

Maybe: BYE

Henry: Bye.

*Maybe Willowsby has left the chat*  

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