chapter 11: food and other shit

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Asmaa's p.o.v
All i can think of is how hot jungkook is whrn he's worried....
I can't help it....

Elizabeth's p.o.v
sungoh stopped the car in front of jins house. We ran up to his apartment in the narrow staircase. Jungkook busted open the door and we found jin throwing out all his food.
I was crying really hard and everyone except jin stared at me.
"H-he is thro-throwing out all his food! Noooooo!" I screamed. Fucking life whyyyy! Jin never throws out his food he could've just gave it to me! But i knew i was being greedy when everyonr was staring at me. Except asmaa who managed to take a good new bag of chips. I ran over and took some. When i turbed around i saw many bottles of alchohol beverages. I saw a pool of blood by his sink then i hesitantly looked at his wrist. Ji-yong called the ambulance and started talking in between hicks*. The rest of the boys went to comfort him while the girls tried cleaning the mess and eventually eating the good food.
The ambulance came in time. Jin was almost knocked out. They decided to treat him right there in his living room.
"Will he be alright!?" Jungkook asked, being the only one not either crying or too scared and shocked to talk.
"Yes i believe so." Said one of the men with a concerned tone abd eyebrows knit.
I sighed in relief.
We all sat on the couch concerned and tired.
Then we all fell asleep.

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