Standing right next to him was a smiling, happy Draco with a Gryffindor uniform on. The Gryffindor Draco had messy blond hair with a fringe the covered his left eye. He wore black square glasses and was rather very fit. Next to him was a Ravenclaw Draco with a black and blue tie and a blue robe, he had his hair parted to the side with a blond curl withering his forehead, he had a sniff of superiority, but with soft grey eyes that shared that he saw more than what people could see. The last one was a Hufflepuff Draco -if you asked the real Draco he thought he looked horrifying in yellow- who had a kind, shy expression. He was bitting his lips looking down every once in a while, his hair was ruffled in a way that made him look even more innocent and adorable to the classroom except real Draco who thought it was horribly messy in his opinion and to Harry's stunned thoughts made Hufflepuff Draco look quite cute.

Slughorn was the one to break the silence, "Mr Malfoy? Erm, a-are you alright there?"

Real Draco glared at his potions professor and growled about to scream that no he wasn't, Gryffindor Draco took charge of the situation.

"Yes of course I'm alright or apparently we all are." Gryffindor Draco said flashing a bright smile to Harry when he spotted him making Harry blush. Draco actually looks nice when he smiles, he should do it more often, Harry thought before scowling at himself for his weird thoughts and repeating that Malfoy was NOT good looking.

Harry surprised of the gesture nodded back not really knowing what it was about. The professor went on explaining to a quiet Slytherin Malfoy -who was still steaming- that he really wasn't aware of a counter reverse to the orginal potion, but he would look into it. Real Malfoy had looked at the professor and once again was about the scream out when the shy Hufflepuff Draco reached to real Draco making the Slytherin blond to stop and give a long stare at the Hufflepuff him, fast real Draco sprinted out the room followed by Pansy and Blaise. The shy boy blushed deeply when he saw Harry and bit his pale lips turning them a bloody red, surprisingly and horrifying to Harry he was getting somewhat aroused by the blush on Hufflepuff Malfoy.

The bell rung and the three Dracos stayed behind with Slughorn, Harry left the room not really aware of where his feet were leading him. Reaching the Gryffindor common room after walking around the school Hermione and Ron jumped starling him from his thoughts about Malfoy.

"Harry, you will not believe who we have to share our dorm with?" Ron exclaims with a very annoyed face. Harry confused gestured to Ron to keep talking wondering who it would be.

"It's the bloody ferret, but not the real one. We're talking about nice, funny Malfoy here. Gryffindor Malfoy has to sleep with us! Can you believe that, he's going to bloody murder us in our sleep!"

Harry stares gob smacked, for some reason he knew he should feel angry because of this, but instead his felt a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron, "Oh come on Ron! You said it yourself; he's nice and actually being polite not the annoying git we know. I mean look at him."

Hermione nodded to were Gryffindor Draco was currently sitting talking to some giggling fifth years, oblivious to the fact the girls were flirting with him. Harry felt a pang of jealousy and growled in the back of his throat wondering why he cared so much about it. He stomped his way to Gryffindor Draco and smiled down at him, but glaring at the girls. The girls took thought that as a sign to now flirt with both of them and Harry rolled his eyes grabbing Gryffindor Draco by the hand leading him to the dorm. When Harry turned to look at him he say Gryffindor Draco blushing and giving him that dashing white teeth smile that made Harry dizzy with lust.

Harry now was even more confused than ever. Since when did he start thinking that Dra- I mean Malfoy was attractive and had a dazzling smile. Shaking his head he faced the new bed that was arranged in the dorm room, Harry pointed at it indicating to Gryffindor Draco that the bed was now his.

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