Author's note

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This story holds a special place in my heart as it is the first story that I ever wrote. I was proud to have over 40,000 words of a coherent story, but I could never quite get past the feeling that it was a giant piece of shit. After no one bothered to read it, I put the script in a drawer and forgot about it. 5 years later, yesterday, I've pulled it out of the drawer, dusted it off and gave it a half-hearted polish, and decided to post it here on Wattpad.

It took me 12 weeks to complete my first draft. The idea had been bugging my mind for about 6 months before I sat down to work and words fell onto the page.

I worked mostly late nights till wee hours, counting the barrier as they fell; 1,000 words. 5,000 words, 10,000 words...

And after it was done, I felt empty. There was no more excitement of challenge, but I was sure I should feel proud of myself. More than anything my first story was a great learning experience. More than the craft of writing, I learned about myself as a writer, and as a human being.

To be honest I have become a much more emotional person than I was after I started writing. Earlier I used to laugh whenever I saw people crying while watching an emotional scene in some movie/TV. But ever since I started writing, I believe I can feel emotions better and more importantly I can convey my emotions in a much better way now. So, better not be laughing at me when you see me crying, watching an emotional movie. Actually, you can, because I don't care. :P

Since I am on the verge of completing MY BIRTHDAY PROMISE (please read it if you are not reading it already) I thought it would be great to publish my second story on Wattpad.

I would like to make it very clear that The idiot has no connection with 3 idiots- the movie, and is a completely different story.

The idiot is a story of Hardik Shastri and his quest for true love. The story is full of my twisted sense of humor, and if you already like my sense of humor in MBP, then The idiot is definitely for you.

I would suggest each one of the reader to give The idiot a shot anyway. This book might not be your cup of tea but I would still request you to take a sip before rejecting it. Who knows, you might like this masala tea.

I'll publish the prologue/first chapter soon. And after enough people sign up for the book by voting for the author's note, I'll publish the next chapters. I have planned to make some changes in the plot but I assure you that this story will have fast updates; much-much faster than MY BIRTHDAY PROMISE.

Stay tuned for the next update.

Love today and always,


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