Chapter 14- Amusement Parks & Brotherly Advice

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It wasn't a big theme park, but Sylver (yes, that's what it's name was) was good enough for our small town. It had a few big roller coasters, and a lot of carnival games.

As we ran up to the front gates (which was really just a ticket booth with a banner strung around it) I turned and smiled brightly at Andrew. "I want to go see if I can win at a game, first."

"Ok, but if you fail I will teach you how it's done," He smiled back. He was always so competitive.

"No, if I fail you're getting what vet the prize is for me."

"Kid, that's no way to act in life. You gotta do things for yourself sometimes," he chuckled.

"I don't care." I stated back firmly, watching as he handed over the money for our tickets.

"Oh Kenny, will you ever learn?"

"I don't know. If you teach me how since I'm so hopelessly useless."

"You're not useless," Andy said. Then muttered, "Most of the time."

I hit his shoulder, still smiling all the while.

"What's that kids name? The one who keeps messing everything up?" He asked turning to face me.


"Nice name. What has he done? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm ok with it if you don't. I mean-"

I took a deep breath and then started, "He was a new kid, and I really started to like him. Then, I saw him kissing another girl, right after we had almost kissed. I stopped talking to him." I explained, and Andy nodded to show he was following. "Well, he started to make it up to me, saying that he wished we were friends again. I started liking him again. But, then came lunch. It turns out, he was one of the guys that was there when Liv was beat up."

"Did you let him explain what he was doing there in the first place?"

I gave my brother a look of guilt "No..."

"Next time you see that boy you let him explain," He gave me a look and I nodded. He quickly added, "God I sound like a mother."

I giggled, then sighed. "I didn't even let him explain why he kissed that girl, even though he tried to."

Andrew gave me an exasperated look. "Geez Kenny," he shook his head. "I mean, I guess I understand. I'm sure I would have reacted that way if Genevieve had done the same thing. Except you know with a guy. Or another girl if I think about it..." He got lost in his thoughts for a moment before visibly shaking his head.

"Wait, is Gen bi?" I stopped him.

"Yeah. I don't mind because I know she loves me, but I do get insecure sometimes." He gave me a lopsided smile and urged me to keep walking so we could get to the games.

"Just because she likes girls too, doesn't mean she's more likely to cheat on you," I told him.

"I know," he sighed, just as we reached the first game, a ring toss.

I smiled as he handed over the money to the attendant and handed me the rings. I aimed for the middle one and threw one of the rings. Unfortunately it missed the bottle by an inch.

I got ready to throw the second one and threw it just as Andrew decided to throw me off by tickling my sides.

"God dammit, Andy!" I yelled as the ring missed the bottle again. I shot him a glare, but he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Don't take the lord's name in vain!" He yelled, but he was laughing really hard.

"I can do what I want!" I laughed.

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