Day 4

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I woke up to darkness. I stood up and looked around. I saw a lamp next to my bed, so I pulled the string to turn it on. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I used the bathroom and when I came back I found some clothes on my bed. I looked for Scarlet, then closed the door and got changed. I put on my soft clothes, wincing though from the pain of my various wounds. I looked in the bedside mirror, to see there was red marks on my face. I realized that it was Scarlet's lipstick, from last night's accidental kiss.

I got up and went the bathroom to wash off the lipstick. I the walked down the hall to the living room. I plopped down on the sofa, waiting for Scarlet to wake up. I sat there for at least one hour. Then Scarlet walked out in a pair of black leggings and a purple t-shirt with blue stripes. She had her hair in a preppy high pony tail and she had black winged eyeliner on. Wait, how do I know that. Well whatever. Then Scarlet said.

"Morning. How long have you been here for? Are you hungry?" I replied.

"Morning to you too. I been her for well a hour or so. Well I'm hungry but you sit down and I'll make breakfast."

"John, you don't even know where anything is. Your injured-" I replied with a smirk on my face.

"You did so much for me yesterday. Just sit down and let me make breakfast. Or else."

"Or else what." Scarlet cockily said. I replied.

"I'll sit on you or strap you down or something. Just let me make breakfast."

"Ok." Scarlet calmly said. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet. I pulled out cinnamon rolls in a can. I asked Scarlet.

"Can I use the cinnamon buns?"

"Sure. I mean just use literally the best thing I have left from Earth. They only won't bring me any for three more months." Scarlet rudely replied.

"Oh sorry I won't use those, wait you get shipments?"

"Yes I started getting shipments every four months once they found out that I'm just stuck here."

"Scarlet, they aren't going to bring you home?"

"No just go make breakfast." I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of flour and sugar and other ingredients. I make some cracker things for pop tarts. Then I filled them with berry jam and made a raspberry icing. I covered the top of the pop tarts with the icing. I grabbed orange juice from the fridge. I found trays  and put plates and cups on them. I then put orange juice in the cups and put three pop tarts on each plate. I lifted both of the trays and carried them to the living room. I snuck up on Scarlet and yelled.

"Boo!" She exclaimed.

"Cheese! Why did you do that?"

"For fun. Here's breakfast."

"Oh thanks John. WAIT. Are these pop tarts? Omg they are! You must have made them. I never got pop tarts! Thank you soooo much!"

"No prob. Thought they'd be a nice treat. Hope you like them. I didn't try them."

"Well I'm sure that they're good." She bit into the pop tart and mmmm came out of her lips. She looked like she was in heaven. I bit into my own and was instantly surprised with how good they tasted. We ate the pop tarts in bliss. After Scarlet was done she gave me a hug and said how great they were. Then she asked.

"So what was your past occupation."

"Well, um, I need to go do the dishes." I responded awkwardly and rushed to the kitchen. I was worried bad things would come if I told her what I had been.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. Comment what you think will happen. Will Scarlet find out?!

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