Day 2

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I stared out at the once lava ocean which was now a big empty hole. I had to head down that hole without a doubt. I had no belongings so I started to walked into the huge hole. Then I ran back up realizing that it was going to get dark. I grabbed a stick and found a puddle of lava. I put some lava on the stick and set off down into the hole.

I crawled down the side slowly, hoping I wouldn't start to slide down the hole. I reached the flatter area. I started walking. As I was walking I saw a paper. I ran over to the paper and grabbed it before it could fly away on the wind. I lifted it to my face to see that on it there was fading cursive writing.

The paper said

"Follow the floor and look for the door, set in the mountain side. But hurry or the lava will abide and burn you to ash, quick in a flash."

I wondered what that was supposed to mean, but I walked over to the side and started to look for a door. I was about to follow the wall and I heard a loud rumbling. I looked to my right and noticed a huge mountain I hadn't seen previously. I looked closely and saw something red at the top. After staring for a couple minutes, I realized that it was lava.

I ran over to the wall, even more hurried to find the door. I then think, why don't I just go back to the island, but then shudder at the memory of yesterday's events. I press my hands against the walls, hoping to find a crack or an implant. I start to stress out with the lava getting closer to me by the second. I press my hands, check for a crack and move on. I repeat this until I am starting to creep up on the lava. Then I see it. A small hand-shaped implant in the wall. The lava is getting dangerously close to covering it.

I break into a run, trying to reach the wall. I reach the wall, the lava almost at my heels. I press my hand into the hole. In under a minute the door cracks open. I heave it open wide enough so I can squirm thought the gap. I get inside and pull it shut, just as the lava washes by. I look at the hand print on the inside of the door and surprisingly I can see through it, I thought that was strange.

Anyways I look through, watching the lava rush by. The tunnel I'm in seems surprisingly well lit, so I ditch my torch and walk onwards. I walk down this corridor for about two minutes and then see a room. It look like a living room, hence the couch and coffee table. It even looks like there is a chai green tea latte sitting on the table.

I plop down on the couch, exhausted. I fall asleep almost instantly, then shake myself awake, remembering where I am. I'm not sure what to do at this point so I sit down and examine my wounds. The piranha one looks completely awful, all red. The burn on my arm still hurts like a son of a gun.

I feel for the caterpillar lip, but it's gone, thank goodness. I look for the monkey tail, but that's seemed to disappear as well. Though I've got no complaints. It's good to be normalish again. I settle on couch, deciding a nap won't hurt, then jump when I hear a pretty feminine voice say

"Hello there, those are some awful wounds. I can help you." I turn around startled , looking for the speaker. . .

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter. Who is the speaker?! I you have suggestions for the book, feel free to comment them. ;-)

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