"I'm not too bad, I'll be better once we get the fucker." I announced, which had Juice nodding along with me. "But otherwise, I'm pretty good, how about yourself, Juicey?" I asked, saying his name a little different this time.

"Juicey? Boy, that sounds good coming from your lips." Juice smirked, his brown eyes glistening.

"Shut up, Juice." I mumbled, bumping my shoulder to his playfully.

"And it's been pretty exciting. I mean, I get to protect you." Juice finally decided to answer my question as we stood by the shut door for a little while longer.

"Risking your life for my own?" I cocked an eyebrow, watching how his facial expressions changed.

"It's alright, anything for you." He caressed my cheek. "Besides, I know you would do the same for me." He added, making it seem a little less innocent.

"Go on, get over there before you get your arse kicked." I gave him a smile, one that Juice returned.

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled, leaving my side and heading towards the rest of the men.

Leaving the door myself, I walked over to where the rest were. Chibs and Jax were sat at the table, Happy was grabbing beers from the fridge, Tig was lighting up a cigar and Juice was simply standing there with his arms crossed.

Not being right beside of Juice, instead I was a couple feet back, also with my arms across my chest.

"Fucking Mayans, but I tell you what, they were easy fucking targets." Tig blew out the smoke, his eyes lingering between Jax and Chibs.

"Here we go fellas." Happy passed around a beer to everyone, his eyes than landed on me. "You wanna beer, Ethel?" He asked.

"No I'm fine, thanks Happy." I shook my head.

"No problem." He nodded, opening the lid to his beer and chucking it onto the wooden table.

"What do you mean easy?" Jax mumbled, a frown across his handsome face.

"The fuckers weren't discreet about nothing. They walked pass us, not even seeing us there. I don't know where the fuck this Diego is getting his men from, because even the Mayans aren't this fucking stupid." Happy downed half of his beer, sighing in relief.

"But it's definitely the Mayans?" I asked, catching all of the men's attention.

"Yeah. They're fucking Mexicans." Tig replied.

I didn't question anymore, I instead just nodded my head. I didn't understand what any of them wanted with me. I had never faced a Mayan before, well never before I was attacked by one. And for Diego? I had no fucking clue to who he was.

"That's all of them, right?" Jax's eyes lingered towards me.

"Yeah, Tig and I surveyed the block. Nobody else is around." Juice nodded.

"You identified them? None of them are this Diego prick?" Jax than asked yet again.

"Not yet, my guess it wouldn't be him. If he's calling the shots and fucking Esai hasn't seen him in ages, he can't be around." Happy shook his head.

"Yeah, right." Jax nodded.

"Do we know what he looks like? Diego, I mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows, watching as Tig looked over to me.

"You told her?" Tig raised an eyebrow, looking back to Jax.

"She's got a right to know. Besides, I asked Ethel if she knew of him. And-"

"I don't. Never heard of him." I added.

Tig nodded his head in understanding, not bothering to say anything else.

"We don't know what he looks like yet, but we will babe." Jax answered me, a very unimpressed expression on his face.

"Okay." I mumbled, yawning shortly afterwards. I was tired, exhausted after everything.

"I think I might go back to bed. I'm tired." I quietly say, which had Jax nodding.

"You can baby." Jax replied, using his pointer finger to gesture me to go to him.

Doing as I was told, I rounded the men and approached Jax. Leaning over, in front of the others, I forgot that I was wearing lacy underwear. Not bothering to do anything, I gave Jax a brief kiss.

"Goodnight Jax." I whispered, kissing his cheek before standing up straight and turning back to the rest of the men.

"I'm sorry bro, we definitely interrupted you two." Tig smirked, his eyes zoned in on me. "But seriously, start considering sound proofing the house, we could hear you fucking from down the block. By the way baby, those moans, such a turn on." Tig teased, poking his tongue out.

Jax smacked my butt as I began to walk towards Tig. Walking pass Tig, I punched his side which made Tig laugh a little bit.

"Fuck off Tig." I rolled my eyes, continuing on towards the hallway.

"Night guys. Stay safe." I sung out, making my way down the hallway.

"Good night Ethel." I heard several say in return.

Coming to Jax's bedroom, I shut the door behind me and placed my knife onto the drawer. Getting into bed, I pulled the blankets up and onto my body as I snuggled into the pillows. It only seemed like minutes later that I had dozed off and woken up by feeling Jax get into bed beside me.

"Did I wake you baby?" Jax whispered, laying on his side as I blinked several times to clear my tired vision.

"I felt you get in, is everything alright?" I shut my eyes again, feeling my body relax some more, knowing that Jax was laying there with me.

"Yeah. Bodies been disposed of. None of them identified as the asshole Diego." Jax replied, pulling me into his chest.

"Okay." I answered.

"Are you alright Jax?" I asked quietly, rubbing my face into his cool chest.

"Yeah baby, I am now." He kissed my forehead. "Ethel?" Jax suddenly asked, which had me opening my eyes for a brief moment.

"Yeah?" I sighed, blinking several times before closing my eyes again. I was so tired, I was easily falling in and out of sleep.

"Is there something I should know about between you and Juice?" His question had my snapping my eyes open and staring back at him in confusion.

"No? Why would you ask something like that? Juice is a mate." I narrowed my tired eyes at him.

"You two just seem awfully comfortable around each other." He answered in return.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I frowned. "Juice and I are mates. That's all there is between us." I watched as Jax slightly nodded his head.

"Alright baby." Jax replied.

"I've already got my Prince Charming." I closed my eyes and rested my head back onto his chest. "That's all I want, and I got the best of all. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tats, muscle, a harley? I've hit the jackpot." I kissed his chest, extending my opposite hand and resting it across his muscular stomach.

"As long as it stays that way, princess." Jax's chest rumbled as he spoke.

"It will as long as you behave." I smiled. "Than perhaps, I might just stick around."

"Good. I love you, baby." Jax stroked my cheek with his fingers.

"Goodnight Jax, sweet dreams." I yawned, cuddling into him some more.

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