Chapter 10 Have a Deduction For Your Troubles

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Accio teeny bit more Sherlolly-ness. Only a bit... a teeny bit...a little bit...a- well you get the gist.

I'm sowwy... I can't help it...


Sherlock's POV

"I told you I'm fine!"

"Shut up John"

"Seriously Sherlock I'm telling you! I've been through worse!"

"For God's sake, I preferred you when you were unconscious. Ah Molly!"

I had practically dragged John to come to St Bart's, his stubborn soldier characteristics showing as he resisted a check-up from Molly.

"Sherlock?" asked Molly. "What-what are you doing here?"

"John's had an accident"

"Oh really thanks Sherlock! Really explained it well!" said John, sarcasm oozing from his voice.

"Men..." sighed Evanna and proceeded to explain what had happened in Lenham and our findings and theories so far.

When she finished Molly nodded slowly. "Wow...okay..." she said. "But why exactly are you here?"

"I need you to take a look at him" I replied, pushing John in her direction.

"Hey!" he shouted. "I've just had an accident!"

"I thought you said you were 'fine'? That you'd 'been through worse'?" I said, raising an eyebrow, making him tut and look away.

"Why me?" asked Molly. "I usually deal with dead bodies"


"Don't make jokes Molly" I said, frustrated at her insistence to do so.

She pursed her lips. "Give me your finger" she said to John in a monotone voice.

I noticed Evanna's angry glare on me. I ignored her.

Molly placed John's finger under the microscope, turning the knobs to focus on the cut left by the thorn.

"What do you think?" I questioned her. "Any ideas?"

"Woah, am I still hallucinating?" said John, looking between us, a surprised expression painted on his face. "Did you - Sherlock Holmes - just ask someone else for 'any ideas'?!"

I gave him a silencing look.

"Okay" started Molly. "I'm not going to argue with you in saying that the roses killed Alia, or more specifically the Ketamine in the roses. That explains why the size and depth of the serrations on John's finger and her neck are so similar. Describing John's symptoms I'm guessing the dosage was low -you were really lucky"

"That's because the roses were wilted. They had lost a lot of the Ketamine" said Evanna.

"And the Ketamine entered your mother's bloodstream through her jugular vein" she said.

"Straight to her heart"

"Whereas John was only pricked on his finger"

"So combine those two factors and that's why John is alive!"

I stared at the two women standing before me.

"Brilliant" John and I said at the same time.

Evanna's POV

Molly and I made eye contact and smirked. I thought of her as a friend -to be honest the first friend I'd ever had. Probably because of her infatuation with my uncle she didn't find my deductive skills weird or freaky either.

"Now that we know how it happened-" I started.

"No we don't" interrupted John.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"Well I know I pricked my finger when I accidentally touched a thorn"

I heard Sherlock sigh. "So why couldn't that have happened to her neck?" he said loudly, pacing. "After all, people all do silly things"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Molly look up.

"Now that we do know how it happened," I continued. "What's left is who did it" and when Sherlock began to interrupt I added "Who definitely did it. And where they are"

Sherlock stopped pacing up and down and turned his direction towards the door.

John and I were used to his suddenness by now and so we said hurried goodbyes to a very confused Molly and power-walked after Sherlock.

"He doesn't just think she's 'capable' does he?" I said to John.

He smiled.



Things are really starting to heat up and very very soon we'll be seeing who is behind all this and reach the climax of this story.

I'm so honoured by the feedback I've been receiving especially you whisperwoman my very own personal fangirl. I don't know you but I love you anyway :)

Ahh you guys keep me young...

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