Chapter 15 A Renewed Hope

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Evanna's POV

The yellow paint. I never realised how much I would miss it's bright contrast against the black and grey wallpaper. It was almost metaphorical -a bright smiling face amongst the chaos and darkness of my life.

I don't want to go.

But I have no choice.

My mind kept shouting at me "Coward! Coward!" but I composed myself whilst putting my clothes into my bag. It wasn't my choice first of all, and I wasn't running away. I was saving lives by moving on. This was the right thing to do.

Toothbrush? Check. Gloves? Check. Makeup case? Check.

Mum's necklace? Ch- no. What?

Where was it? No! I can't lose it no please!

I scrambled around the living room; lifting up ornaments, putting my hand down the back of the sofa, pulling open drawers. Anything in the hope of finding it.

"Looking for this?"

I whipped round and saw Sherlock leaning against the doorframe, dangling the locket by its golden chain, that famous smirk painted on his lips.

I rushed over to him and grabbed the precious object from his hands.

"Thank you" I whispered, turning my face away so he wouldn't see the tears welling in my eyes.

Stupid emotions.

"You're welcome" he replied. "Listen..."

"You don't have to say anything" I hurriedly interrupted. "I know it's not exactly your forte"

He chuckled quietly to himself. "I won't argue with you on that one"

My bottom lip started to quiver and I knew it would be futile to try and stop it.

"I'll miss you" I sobbed, kicking myself internally for my stupidity and unintellectual use of language.

Sherlock stood, awkwardly fiddling with his hands. I started laughing when I noticed he had no idea how to comfort someone who was upset. He then looked at me in utter confusion when he saw the growing smile on my lips.

"Oh shut up!' I giggled and pulled him into a hug.

Moriarty may be my biological father, but he wasn't family.

Sherlock was.

"Be careful" I muffled into his shoulder.

"Evanna, you must know that I accept what happens but use my abilities to make the situation to my advantage"

"A simple 'you too' would have sufficed" I chuckled, pulling away.

He bowed his head and smiled.

Then my phone rang.

Sherlock's POV

With a quick "sorry" to me, Evanna picked up her phone and walked out of the living room, thus leaving me alone and solitary.

That was until John walked in with a mug of tea.

"Want some?" he asked, raising the mug in indication.

I shook my head and flopped down onto the sofa, burying my face in my hands.

"It's Evanna isn't it" said John.

"No John, I'm upset because my dog died!" I snapped back.

I instantly regretted my words once I saw John's face.

"I'm sorry" I said.

He just nodded. "Where's she going to go?" he asked.


His mouth formed an 'o' shape as he tried to fathom this new information. We sat in a deafening silence until the return of my niece.

She stood in the centre of the room and twiddled her thumbs, her lips pursed.

"I have some news" she said.

"What did Mycroft say?" I asked.

I heard John tut but Evanna smiled.

"He offered me a job"

My head snapped up. "And?"

Evanna snorted. "I said no. Obviously."

"What?" asked John. "Why?"

"It's a government job based in Cardiff. Convenient I agree. But boring!"

I chuckled quietly. "So what's the plan?"

"Well," she started. "I'm off to sheep country to become a consulting detective"

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "I won't be the only one in the world anymore though" I pouted.

"Well you'd better get used to it!" she laughed.

"I wish you the best of luck Evanna" said John politely.

"Thank you" she replied, then turned to me. "Maybe I'll find a flat as good as 221B and a friend as good as John"

She picked up her suitcase and started for the door.

"Evanna wait!" I cried.

She turned around quickly. "Yes?" she anticipated.

"Take my scarf" I said, placing it in her hands.

"Oh I couldn't!"

"Don't worry," sighed John. "He has a wardrobe full of them"

She smiled gratefully and wrapped it around her neck.

Deep breath.



For non-British readers, 'sheep country' refers to Wales, of which Cardiff is the capital.

Not only that but Cardiff is Sherlock set central!!!

Just one more chapter left. Well an epilogue. That counts as a chapter right?

I dunno I'm so confused right now I've had too much chocolate

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