While the kitchen was being cleaned up and the table moved out of the way to make room for the picture, Josh and Maya sat down on the stairs watching Katie run around play with Joey and John.

"I would have loved to grow up in a house like this," Maya sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder, "I hope one day we can get a house like this for Katie. She'd love it."

"We could always buy this house," Josh suggested nonchalantly, waiting for a reaction from Maya, "We should buy this house. Keep it in the family."

"Don't tease me Josh," Maya retorted, not appreciating the joke, "I was being serious."

"So am I, Maya," Josh turned to face her, lifting her chin so she was looking at him, "I would love to live in this house with you and Katie, and have more kids here with you."

"Are you sure we can do it?" Maya asked hopefully, lacing her fingers between his, "Can we afford this?"

"I've already been saving for a down payment for a hypothetical future house," Josh admitted, holding her hands between his, "I think we can do it. Plus my parents will probably give us a good deal."

"Now that Riley is moving, the timing feels right," Maya added a smile forming on her face, "Let's do it."

"Let's do it," Josh agreed, "But we should keep this to ourselves until everything is final." Maya nodded in agreement, leaving a kiss on his lips before they two stood and went over to sit by Riley and Lucas to watch their kids play together.

"Do John and Joey remind you of anyone," Josh teased as the little girl chased John around the room.

"Oh my goodness," Maya laughed to herself, "They are just like us. I used to chase you all the time. He's even three years older than her."

"Uh oh," Lucas groaned remembering how that when, "Well, she's not dating one until she's thirty."

"That's funny, Maya," Riley interjected, "Because between her brown braids and his sandy blonde hair he get from Katy, they were making me think of us." Riley rested her head on Lucas' shoulder.

As the two couples sat together watching the kids, Katie walked up to Josh and curled up her daddy's lap, which he eagerly welcomed.

"Are you sure we got the right kids?" Lucas added with a chuckle, "Ours is so much like Maya and yours is much more Riley."

"I'd agree with you," Josh laughed a little himself, before looking down at the little girl in his arms, "But this one is the spitting image of her mama and so is yours."

"Time for the picture everyone," Katy announced leading everyone to the space in front of the fireplace. She and Shawn put two chairs down, one for Amy and one for Alan and arranged the group around them. Eric, Cory, Morgan, and Josh stood behind their parents with their respective spouses with a spot for Katy and Shawn next to Josh and Maya.

Auggie and Ava stood next to Amy in front of Eric and Riley and Lucas on the other side. Lastly Katy put Joey on Amy's lap and Katie on Alan's, tucking John standing between their chairs. Katy ran to her spot as Shawn quickly set the timer before joining her.

"Say Family," Shawn directed which the whole group echoed right as the flash went off.


Weeks later, Topanga's Café was filled with friends and family gathered to say goodbye to Riley and Lucas, who were just days away from moving from New York City to Texas. It was hard for Riley to think that she was saying goodbye to Maya and Josh, as well as Farkle and Smackle. She and Lucas were both excited to be living near Zay and Vanessa since they would be so far from everyone else.

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