Summer Camp//Tiger Troop

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It was the middle of July. It was your first day working at a local summer camp. You were only paid around $5 an hour, but it was only for something to do for the summer. Plus, you did it every summer and it was actually really fun.

All the workers were assigned troops to be the leader of; two for each troop. You were to be leader of the 'Tiger Troop' (This camp's theme was safari) The Tiger Troop was a group of 8 first-graders; 5 girls and 3 boys.

"Alright, Ms.(Y/N) and (H/N), you're going to be the leaders of the Tiger Troop," the camp manager announced. You went over to welcome your group for the two-week camp. Surprisingly, they seemed like a nice bunch of kids.

It turns out that your troop partner was extremely hot. You glanced over at a young guy, about the same age as you, walking over to welcome the campers. He had (H/C) hair and beautiful (E/C) eyes. You weren't sure how you were going to make it through the two weeks without practically melting over him (and the ridiculous summer heat, but that's a different story).

After meeting the kids, he walked over to you. It took all you had not to immediately swoon over him. "Hi, I'm (H/N)," he said, softly and holding out his hand. You shook his hand and replied with your name, surprising yourself at how smooth it came out. He seemed to stare into your eyes for a few moments as if thinking or deciding something, but then smiled shyly and looked away.
Later into the day, right after sunset, the camp always did a nice campfire get-together to close out the first day. You and (H/N) sat along side your troop, which thankfully, were already making friends with each other.

While everyone busied themselves with conversation, you decided to try to be friendly and talk to (H/N). "So, is it your first time here?" "Yeah, but it seems awesome so far," he replied, smiling. Well, that conversation lasted long. You were just about to give up on your social skills, when (H/N) turned to you.

"Sorry I was kind of shy earlier, but I think you're really pretty," he said, with a slight tremble in his voice as if he was nervous. You didn't really know how to respond and thankfully it was dark or your face would've been a shade of red brighter than the fire. "Umm, thanks," you replied shyly, but smiling reassuringly. This seemed to relax him.

This was definitely going to be an amazing two weeks.

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