3:Shopping and Suprises

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Michael P.O.V.
I woke up to Ashton shaking me "Babe, wake up, we need to talk". I groaned and rolled over to face him. " What?" I questioned grumpily.

"Well we are going on tour soon and our second stop is Sydney, do you wanna suprise the boys?" he asks. We have been talking to the boys now for around three months and Ash and I both agree that we need them with us. Luke and Cal are so adorable and sweet.
"Yeah, why not?" I say and get up. "Im going to shower, you coming?" I ask. He smirks and follows me in the bathroom closing the door and kissing me hard.

Luke P.O.V.
I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Calum is already up and waiting for his mom to finish making pancakes. "Goodmorning Joy, Babe." I say, Joy nods in reply and I walk over to Cal, Kissing him lightly on the lips and sitting down next to him.
"What're we doing today love?" I ask him as Joy sits our plates infront of us. "Well we should probably go shopping, I mean tomorrow is the concert." he asks happily munching on his pancakes. I agree and we talk about what we wanna get as we finish our food. He gets up to go shower and I put our plates in the sink. "Luke dear, which mall are you guys going to?" Joy asks.
"Were going to the Central Park mall first, and then im taking cal to lunch, after lunch we are going to Westfield Sydney."(A/N: Theese are both real malls in sydney) "Okay, have fun" she says just as cal comes downstairs. "Ready?" I ask. "Yup. C'mon babe" he says and grabs my hand. We get in the car, me driving and him in the passenger seat, I plug my phone in the car radio (A/N: nobody stole their car radio, lol okay ill stop) and the first song that comes on is Teenage Dirtbag. We sing along to that and about three others before we finally arrive at the mall. I park the car and get out, falling into stride beside Calum and taking his hand. As we walk inside, a security gaurd stops us and asks "Are you Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood?" "Yes we are," I say, "Well here" He says and hands us each a credit card and a piece of paper with the pin. We gasp and look at each other, then at him "I think you are mistaken sir, theese arent ours" Cal says.
He holds up a phone with the facetime on "They are now baby boy" I hear a voice say and then Ash and Mikey appear in the camera. "Yeah, go crazy babys, those cards are linked to our account so have some fun, by the way im sure you already know that we are having a concert in sydney tomorrow" he says and looks at us expectantly
"Yeah," I say "mom says she was gonna get us tickets, but we can only get seats way in the back because we waited too long" I explain,half expecting dissapointed looks to spread aceoss their faces, but their grins only get wider "George" Ash speaks up and the man turns the camera to face himself again "Yes sir?" he says "Give them the second suprise would ya?" Ash says exitedly
"Of course sir" he says and hands us a small box, giftwrapped "Does it look okay?" Mile asks nervously, as Ash laughs at him "Mike spent two hours trying to get the bow, and i quote PERFECT FOR OUR BOYS" he says still chuckling. I smile as Cal unwraps kt an opens the lid. Inside are two front row tickets and two passes that look like what the boys wear. "Oh my god" I squeel jumping up and down. Calum leans on me for support and actually passes out,
i catch him and the boys look worried. "Dont worry" i say "This happens alot either wgen he has really high stress levels or when hes very excited. I say and slap him "What" he jumps up "oh" he says and then begins squealing and fanning himself. "Luke, baby pinch me i think im dreaming" he says and i reach down and pinch his ass.
He jumps and squeals "okay its real" he says and Ash has an amused face on while Micheal pouts. "Whats wrong Mikey?" I ask and he says " I wanna pinch his ass" I giggle and say tomorrow. I wink at them and then Ash says, "well babyboys, go shopping and we will see you tomorrow" we end the call and Calum and I squeal and start shopping. We walk around the mall and ens up with our perfect outfits. (A/N: outfits in media) Mine consists of a plaid skirt with a leather jacket and crop tanktop. Calum has skinny jeans and a crop tanktop with a flannel overshirt. We had lunch and shopped a little more before we went home.

A/N: okay not a very long chapter, but let me know what you think, Im gonna try to update at least once a week, maybe more.

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