"Excuse me but are you Cato Marshall?"  Cato stands up straighter and cocks his head as he was prepared that he could be in trouble.  "We want to ask you a few questions of what happened tonight, do you mind?" 

Cato shrugs his shoulders in approval.  "Sure."

Once he told the police all he was doing was defending his friend who was being brutally attacked, he walks down the hallway and into the E.R.   Maling his way into the waiting room Marvel spots Cato!  "Cato, oh my gosh there you are is everything ok?" 

Cato pats Marvel on the shoulder who was glad to see him.  "I'm ok, where's Clove how is she?" 

Marvel shakes his head in not knowing much himself.  "Not sure we haven't heard anything.  But we're all here even Cloves's mom and yours is, there all back in the cafeteria."  Cato then makes Marvel lead the way for him. 

Coming into the cafeteria numerous people are drinking coffee and playing on their phones.  Cato sees his mom comforting Cloves mother at a booth when he walks in.  "Cato!"  Shouts Katniss getting up from a circular table.  With hugs that went around no one knew anything yet on Cloves progress. 

"Cato are you ok?"  As Grace releases her arms around him and sees bandages above his left eye. 

"Yeah I'm okay.  I had to fill in a statement which took me longer to get over here." He says off to the side.

Suddenly a voice comes over the intercom.  "Grace Kingston please report to the O.R.  Grace Kingston please report to O.R."  It spooked everyone and made everyone look at each other. 

"Let's go!"  Cato says as he led the women out first.

Once there they got the update on Clove from the nurse.  "She's out of surgery and settling in her room and she's breathing better but has broken her left arm and a couple of ribs.  Now the doctor has her in a brace for that and should be able to go home in a couple of days."  Everyone breaths in with a sigh of relief. 

"Can we go see her?"  Grace pleads to the nurse. 

"Well visiting hours is over but one or two of you can stay."

Without hesitating for a moment Grace looks to Cato.  "I'll stay with you." 

The others agreed they would return first thing the next day.  As the others left Cato and Cloves mother were given special instructions before entering.  "Now she is heavily sedated just because the doctor wants her to rest.  But like a coma patient she can hear you, so feel free to talk to her."

  "Thank you!"  Grace says greatfully.  Opening the door softly to Cloves room she held onto Cato's hand.

  Inside the fair lit room Clove laid in bed with her hair flowing onto her pillow with a slight bruised face.  Cato stops short looking at his friend while Grace  moves to the side of her bed.  "Hi baby it's mom."  She says lightly touching her daughters forehead and drawing it down to hold her hand.  "Cato, it's ok...she's just sleeping."  Cato tries to get out of his trance for seeing his friend like this was not an easy thing to accept.  Slowly he comes to draw in a chair next to her mom.  "Honey I'm here and so is Cato, we're both going to stay with you tonight ok?"  Cloves machines slowly beep rapidly as it was a note that she was breathing on her own and that her pulse was good.  Grace starts to choke up a little.  "How could this happen Cato, I thought he was gone."  Grace says as she strokes her daughters hand. 

Cato pulls in a chair beside her and shakes his head for he wish he had the answers for her.  "I don't know she told me awhile back he came to see her." 

You Are My Mockingjay- Watty's Finalist 2013Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя