Chapter One: Reunited

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Chapter One-


Ever since the day Isabella Swan and her family had moved to Orange Beach, Alabama; when she was three and a half, she had gone through her own personal Hell. It's not that her house wasn't perfect, because it was, it sat on a white sandy beach that nice big waves 'Woosh'ed onto every now and again, she even had her own room, that her smug older half-sister, Rosalie, didn't share with her anymore. She even had her own bathroom, and it had a bath AND a shower. It was that her neighbors, The Cullens, were PERFECT, but there was a flaw, the youngest, Edward, was the Devil's spawn.

Back then, they had Dinner regularly with the Cullens, and Alice, one of the perfect Cullens, would come to Isabella's room and they'd play Barbies, while Emmett, another Cullen, would make-out with Rosalie in her room. Jasper and Edward would play tackle-football in the sand outside, until, they would get bored, then they would bother us. I flinch at the memories that flashed through my brain, and many scars proove my point of the brutal meaness of the Edward. Jasper being my Older brother, would always stop him, though I still thought he got a kick out of Edward almost ripping my hair out.

My family treated me as an outcast, except my Father, Charles Swan, the big Business man, he made tons of money off of his voice activated lights, and talking scales. He married alot, his most recent is Ingrid, a German Supermodel, she is unfortunatly pregnant with another Swan child. You see my father is very incourageable. He likes to sleep around. His first wife, Elizabith Hale, is the mother of both Rosalie and Jasper, she kind of had a thing for old fashioned names, which my father let her go all out on especially since he was cheating on her and didn't care what his kids names were. Being the super Model she was, she had no need for two overly gorgeous children when she found her pig of a husband was sleeping with four other women, and left them with Charles for a reminder of his major mistakes. Elizabith then married a guy named Francus Drake, who spawned other gorgeous children, that visit rarely, and are almost as stuck up as Rosalie and Jasper. Then there was Renee, my Mom, who was a Writer for the local News Paper, he called to complain about her calling him 'Charlie' instead of 'Charles' in the News Paper and ended up going on a date with her, and having a one night stand, leading to me being concieved, they had nothing in common, and she handed him me after giving birth. She is now a New York Times Best Seller, and is married to some Count from France or something, her kids never visit. Then there were many other wives, who never had kids with my Dad. Then Unfortunate Ingrid, who is deffinately going to pop sometime soon. Her perfect stomach is now pertruding, with my fathers Son, whose name is going to be Donavon Samual Swan. Poor girl, she'll be gone soon, and poor Donnie will be stuck with Rosalie, Jasper, me and that terrible name.

The Cullens on the other hand, have never cheated, and never split up. Esme is a very sucessfull Home Decorator, and Carisle is a Doctor/Surgeon. Their oldest son, Emmett, lost his virginity to One of Edwards Nanny's, and she was fired, he now dates Rosalie, they've been on and off for a while. Alice is the secound oldest, and she is a shopping freak, everyday she wears a new outfit, then never wears it again, but other than that, shes really nice. Then Edward, the Youngest, is cruel, and mean, he is always picking on me, and doesn't know when enough is enough.

Like I said, it used to be that we had Dinner together most everyday, but that all changed when they became more Busy, and when my father got more into his work, so now they only come over to eat with us on Holiday's or Special Occasions. Today was Ingrid's 27 birthday, and we were having the Cullens and some of Ingrids friends and Family come over for a Party. (FYI: Charles is like 47 or something, but REALLY good looking like Brad Pitt :D) As I walked down the stairs and sat infront of the blaring t.v. and watched Jasper play his strange murdering Video game, my encounters with the Perfect -cough-not-cough- Cullens, and my siblings flashed in my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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