I was almost capable of convincing myself that it hadn't been real when I remembered how Tyrel had come and healed the cut across my palm.
I still didn't want to accept what my memory kept telling me and I tried to tell myself that all of it wasn't real.

I wondered what time it was now, I wasn't sure how long I had slept but the sun had already been up an and I was awake for quite a while too.

Thirst gnawed at me but I was to tired to get my water.

I must have hit it in my sleep because the bottle had rolled to the wall opposite of me.

Soon I couldn't stand my thirst anymore and I attempted to get up.
It took me a while before I stood on shaky legs and dared a small step, clutching the blanket around my shoulders as tight as I could.

With shuffling sounds I slowly made it to the water bottle. I leaned on the wall and slipped down beside it. With shaking fingers I opened it and gulped down its whole content.
I felt sick after that, I needed more then just water.

Suddenly I heard footsteps and they stopped close to my barred door I was to weak to look who it was since I was leaning on the same wall as the door was.

"Hey" it sounded like Luke. "Are you in there?"

I'm here" I whispered not being able to talk louder.

'What an odd thing to ask'

"I brought you something" he said opening the door.

He came in and looked around to find me.
In his hand he held a red apple and a small bag with a piece of what looked like bread.

I felt my hunger rise I was so hungry I could have eaten about anything.
Luke must've seen me looking at it.

"You can have this if you tell me who bit you," he said with a serious voice.

'Oh no not that, I don't know who it was.'

I stared at him saying nothing. My hunger was to great and my throat to raspy to say a thing.

"Who is it?" He said clearly growing

I don't know" I sighed.
He threw the bag with bread onto my lap. And sat down in front of me on the floor.
"Eat", he informed me.

With cold hands that didn't want to obey I opened the bag and took a bite.
It was dry and had not much flavor but I ate it anyway. I was so hungry.

Soon it was gone and I stared at the apple, I could have eaten many more slices of bread this had just triggered my hunger and my stomach was itching for more.

"My you humans are strange" Luke said looking from the apple to me "all you care about is eating right now, and you little girl are in trouble big trouble."

"Do you want me to throw a tantrum?", His words made me stop for a moment and wonder what he meant but soon I was looking at the apple again.

It looked so sweet and juicy its bright color almost piercing my eyes.
My mouth watered, and I heard my stomach growl in protest.
"What was that?" Luke asked with furrowed brows.

I looked at him in disbelief thinking that it was the most normal thing what he had just heard.

"Tell me"he demanded throwing the apple to one side and hastily stepped towards me and lifted me up with a speed I couldn't keep track of.

His black eyes stared intensely into mine.

I should have been screaming but a ghost of a smile crept across my dry lips.

"Its my stomach, I'm hungry!" I said my eyes big at his ignorance.

Slowly he released me still looking at me
" It does that?"

"Yes" I couldn't help myself and smirked at his face while walking past him in hunt for the thrown away apple.

New adrenaline seeping through my legs to be able to walk somewhat stable.
The apple lay on the ground behind Luke and I fetched it up and bit into it.

It tastes just like I had imagined rich and sweet.
Luke turned around and watched me with curious eyes

"How can you be after that?" He asked looking disgusted.
I stopped chewing for moment not knowing what he meant.

But soon I resumed eating and asked between bites "What?"

"That apple is human food how can you eat it" he said throwing me a questioning look.

"I'm human" I said simply, to engrossed in eating then to wonder about his question.

"You're not", he said raising his voice.
His words stopped me.

"I am", I said not understanding what he meant.

"I said you are not a....",Luke was interrupted by Sir Castor who was suddenly standing in the door.

"Luke let me talk to her", he said with a smooth voice.
I instinctively retreated a step. Images of his large pointy teeth filling my mind.
I looked into his eyes they where black.

'At least not red.'

I almost winced at the thought.
Sir Castor stood there looking at me.

"Finish your fruit" he encouraged me.

But suddenly I didn't feel so hungry anymore, fear was cramping my stomach.
He time a few steps closer and I backed up hitting the wall.

"Eat now", his voice didn't hold any emotion.

The black pools of his eyes stared at me intensely.
I reached my hand up and took a bite of my apple.

It wasn't me who decided doing that. It was something else. Actually someone.
Fear gripped me again.

He was a vampire and he was capable of controlling me.


Sorry for any grammatical errors.

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