The Team Is a Team

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I rather not feel like leaving my team, since my "mini" group. They trusted me and I trusted them for having me by their side. Angelina technically said that I shouldn't trust my group that I was fitting in. Well, it's actually not Angelina's fault letting me go in the forest by myself. If she would then, she wouldn't be talking to me. On the other hand, this dude in my group that acts like a some person on the streets saying, "free change?" His name is "Nathan". Mom finally said to all of us how we are slobs in the house and don't know how to do stuff our selves when she's the one that gave birth to my brothers and sisters! I've decided to find the side of my family, that can make a perfect group to kill the zombies. The service on my iPro is like only one bar... The iPro has several apps like anything, unless you can jailbreak it too. I'm sorry to brag about the new iPro 7 coming out 2054. Not really excited but, technically it's not important right now. What is important is to find the rest!

The Zombie InvasionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt