Chapter three

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Splash the pelican dove to get more fish when it was pulled under.

"what are you doing". Asked the pelican trying to get loose

"we need your help". said King Crong

"We need balloons to scare away evil things in this world so we need to ride you to the balloon shop to pick up balloons".

The creatures put water bubbles around their heads and grabbed onto the pelican as it dove out of the water. The pelican wobbled as it got used to its extra weight then it flew into the beachside town.


Lately Queen Helva had noticed that there was an unusual excitement in the reef. Since she was a curious creature she went into action.

"Cordelia come at once." She said in a commanding voice.

The pufferfish came immediately

"Now Cordelia i would like you to go spy at the reef tell me what all the excitement is about".

"Ok:". answered Cordelia as she swam away. as soon as she left Helva called her shark guard

"Cordelia knows to much make sure she is put in jail". Do not fail me or it will be worst for you".

"Yes your highness". The shark swam away so fast it made a current.

Helva cackled and screeched so loud the very foundations of her castle were shaken.


The ride on the pelican was very scary everyone screamed and held on as he went up and down. Finally the Beach Shop was in sight the pelican dove and Crong grabbed a pack of water balloons. They were outside in a bin 50% off. The ride back was not so scary. The pelican dropped them back into the ocean from above the barrier Reef. Once they hit the water they raced back to the castle and the clownfish twisted and tied the balloons into the shapes of divers and they were hung around the reef. When the King went back into the throne room a group of piranhas were surrounding a pufferfish she looked scared and unhappy.

"What is going on". The King asked surprised to see them.

"We found this fish popping some of the balloons around the reef". The spokesmen of the group answered.

"Lock her in a jail cell i will deal with her later". "I will go and clean up the popped balloons actually i will clean up all of them this wont work i need a different plan". The King left the room and called for Alexandre

"oui". answered the excited fish.

"We need a different plan and i have one in mind so follow me". Said the King. "Ok just as long as it wont be scary". He answered.

"It might be so be prepared". King Crong new of a legend of the great sea creature. The legend said it lived in a cave beneath the drop off and only helped creatures in great need. King Crong was gonna find it and ask for its help.

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