Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

A few days later, Zoey and I sat in our dorm room watching TV. I had no idea where Shelby was, she had disappeared about two hours ago; she was probably with Sean somewhere. “I think I’m going to invite Jamie over, is that okay?” she asked.

“Sure, I told her, but if I hear sex noises from your–”

“Oh my god,” she muttered turning red faced.

I laughed. “I’m kidding,” I told her.

She laughed. “I just thought we could all watch one of the new movies you bought.”

“Well, we could watch Identity Thief, and you could invite Jamie and I could invited Justin,” I suggest waggling my eye brows at her.

She laughed. “Sounds like a plan.” She pulled her phone out and texted Jamie while I got mine and texted Justin.

About half an hour later they both showed up, Jamie was carrying a bag of chips and microwave popcorn while Justin had a box of crackers. “Why do you have crackers?” I asked as soon as he got in the door.

“Health nut, remember?”

“Right…” I replied dragging the word out with a laugh.

He grinned and plopped down on the couch pulling me on to his lap; I smiled and snuggled against him as he opened the box of crackers. He took a bite and began eating and I scrunched my nose up. “Do you have to chew by my ear?” I asked him.

“Sorry,” he told me before moving him and me around and trying to get comfortable.

Zoey and Jamie both sat on the chair, Jamie had his arm around Zoey while Zoey held the remote and a bag of chips in her hand. She pressed play on the movie.

About ten minutes later the door opened and we all turned to see Shelby and Sean walking in. “Hey guys!” Sean said loudly. “There is like a huge storm about to hit so we thought we could hang out in here until it blows over.”

“Great,” I muttered under my breath and I could hear Justin chuckle under his breath.

“Well, take a seat,” Justin said in his all too friendly way. Justin’s probably the nicest guy ever, to be honest. Even if he doesn’t like a person, he’ll talk to him anyway.

Just then a loud rumble of thunder made the whole room shake and I jumped hanging on to Justin while he continued to eat his crackers.

Sean took a seat pulling Shelby into his arms and I frowned at them. I hated him so much, she deserved so much better.

“What are we watching?” Shelby asked curiously.

Identity Thief,” Jamie told her.

“I love this move!” Sean exclaimed but I noticed how no one in the room really cared apart from Shelby who hung on his every word.

We started the movie and everyone was silent, until a loud rumble of thunder broke out and Shelby and I let out a shriek when the power went off. I grabbed on to Justin even tighter and I could hear him choke a little. “Ally!” he said out of breath.

“Sorry,” I whispered. I always whispered when it was dark out, partly because I was scared something was going to jump out and attack me. You could say I have a fear of the dark.

“It’s fine,” he told me. “You have a fear of the dark right?”

“Yeah,” I murmured.

“That’s cute,” Justin said and I was pretty sure he was smirking.

“Be quiet!” I told him.

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