We were going to return to our private home but decided to stay the rest of the day in the packhouse so everyone would have a chance to meet the twins.

When they awoke from their little nap to Danny in front of them they instantly began to cry. I watched amused as he freaked out before showing a calm face and trying to ease their cries.

"Ha. I knew it! Give them to their mother. They'll stop." Grandfather smirked.

Apparently, he and his father made a bet that Danny was either going to be the favored one over me since they're boys.

Grandfather stated otherwise and much to father's horror he was proven wrong as I took my babies calming them both down as I held them to my chest. Now, father had to stay with him for a month taking all the beatings he'd receive without complaint for not visiting grandfather after he recovered.

By the end of the day, everyone got to meet the boys and I kept teasing Danny that I was the more loved one.

|~ Flashback end ~|

"Mommy!" I blinked out of my thoughts turning to the sound of Reuben running towards me in tears.

I sat up kneeling on the floor as he ran right into my chest sobbing and holding onto me tightly. I held him checking him over for any cuts or bruises but all I felt and smelt was sadness coming from him.

"Hey baby what's wrong? Why are you crying..?" I pulled him back so he could look up at me, whining away his tears as his breathing hitched and he hiccuped a bit.

"Kaleb... Kaleb is being mean to me! He push me down and, and ran away and said some mean things to me." He sobbed out trying to wipe away his extra tears. I sighed.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it. I'll go talk to him okay?" He nodded trying to wipe away the tears on his face "Why don't you go and give daddy company, pretty sure he sad you guys haven't visited him for the day?" That got a smile to etch onto his face before he ran out of the room disappearing down the halls.

"Alright Kaleb, come out baby." The door slowly pushed forward and Kaleb peaked from behind it. I huffed a laugh as he refused to meet my eyes.

He knew he was wrong for pushing and saying mean things to his brother so he was already feeling guilty and sad about it. I don't need to scold him for it, he was already scolding himself. I only had to find out the reason behind it.

"Come here, baby." He slowly walked to me fidgeting with his hands as he stopped in front of me.

"Are you going to tell me why you're being mean to Reuben?" He frowned keeping his eyes to the floor. "Hm?" I titled my head lowering myself so that our eyes would meet.

He teared up fidgeting even more and sniffling trying not to cry.

"Because... because you love him more than me." He began to cry. I blinked shocked he would think such a thing.

"What? Oh no Kallel where did you get that I loved Robin more than you?" I asked pulling him toward me and onto my lap.

He kept crying and I comforted him waiting patiently for an answer to how he could think I loved one more than the other.

Is it because I have to worry less about him doing something dangerous than Reuben that he thought of this? I bit my lip trying to figure out what could be the cause of this thought.

A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang