Chapter 12

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Edited 26/09/2020


Daniel pov

~| Dream |~

I stood in a forest, surrounded by the dark of the night. The little source of light was the moon and everything its light touched seemed to be glowing.

"Hello, Daniel."

I spun at the sound of a voice, turning to see a woman standing behind me. But not just any woman, she was the moon goddess. Immediately I bowed showing to her my submission.

"Please stand you need not bow to me." Her calming voice spoke.

I listened, doing as commanded, and stood. As I looked at her I realized that I was staring at a copy of my mate. She looked so much like Jade that I was practically looking at a twin. The only difference between the two of them was that her hair was darker and her eyes were a silver colour. 

" You've made my daughter very happy Daniel, thank you." She smiled at me in which I returned the smile thinking of the love of my life.

"No, it's the other way around, she's the one that made me happy." She chuckled in response but the mood shifted as a frown etched onto her face.

" I have seen a war coming Daniel, my brother wants nothing more than to kill Jade.." I subconsciously growled at the threat to my mate "My brother is unpredictable so I cannot tell you who'll die or not, however, I'm certain of one thing...." she gave me a sorrow-filled look " may be amongst those that die."

I could not help but to gape in shock at her words. I didn't know what to feel at that moment but before I could start feeling anything at all the moon goddess placed her hand onto my shoulders and a calm washed over me.

" I've noticed this before. All the moon goddesses before me, all of their mates had sacrificed their lives for them and their unborn child. We have no solution for this but I know now what must be done. I do have a way for you to live." She took a breath before she continued

" I have bestowed upon you power rivaled to that of my daughter. These powers are to assist you in protecting Jade and your pack against this war. This power shall be a match to your mate's. If successful, from you onward everyone of the next moon goddesses mates will have the power to rival their own."

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