Chapter 6

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(A/n) Sorry this is taking so long to update. I get distracted easily, suffer from writer's block, have school, and get addicted to other wattpad stories easily.

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All the girls were fast asleep by 2:45 am. I wanted to be like them, but I need to meet James downstairs. I quietly creeped out of the room and down the stairs. James was down there sitting on the couch, looking at his hands.

"Hey." I said as I sat down by him.

"Hey." He said without looking up.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Umm..." He looked up. I stared into his green eyes. "The truth is... I like you, Rachel. I like you a lot. And I don't know if you could ever like me back, because I've dated too many girls to count and none of them were ever a serious relationship. And I've played too many girls. I don't know why I'm doing this because I know you'll probably never love me. But my point is, I love you."

I was in shock. I know my jaw had dropped. I couldn't do anything.

"I understand I you don't like me." He stood up and started to leave.

"No, James-" I grabbed him by his wrist and spun him around. I brought my lips to his.

And I kissed him.

And he kissed back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He set his hands on my waist. The kiss was filled with passion. It wasn't a full on snog. It was just a kiss. Just a sweet, passionate kiss. I guess I really do love him.

I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I sat down and looked at my hands, smiling like an idiot.

"I take it you like me?" He said.

"No." I turned to look at him. "I love you."

James's POV

"I love you."

Those three words have the most meaning in the world. They can make one person have countless emotions. I stared into Rachel's beautiful blue eyes. I just love her. And I'm sure of it now. I promise that I will never break her heart. I promise that I will actually take this relationship seriously. I promise that I won't give up on her.

Rachel's POV

Falling for a player isn't good. I know that. I've learned from other girls' misfortunes. I've watched as they desperately cling onto him but he keeps shoving her away. I think I might just be able to change James. He might just become the caring boyfriend I know he can be.

He lifted my head to look me straight in the eyes. Our faces were so close, the temptation to kiss him again was too great. I stared into his eyes.

"I love you, too, Rachel Elizabeth Longbottom. I always will."

And then he kissed me again. A slow, meaningful kiss. I swear, this boy is going to be the end of me. I ran my hands through his hair. He rubbed my back. I loved every second of it. I settled my hands on his chest as he played with my hair. It was pure bliss.

We pulled away after what seemed like an eternity. He brushed a hair out of my face. I had a small smile on my face. We stared at each other for a moment before I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his head on mine. We both closed our eyes.

"Rachel?" James asked.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" My stomach had butterflies. I couldn't contain my smile.

"Of course." I answered. He smiled. I lifted my head up and kissed him in a short, quick, kiss. James laid down on the couch, pulling me with him. I let my body rest. I snuggled into him. The last thing I remember is him kissing my hair and whispering "Goodnight, Rachel."

And me whispering "Goodnight, James."


"So what happened?"

"What did he say?"

"How did it go?"

"Are you together yet?"

I was bombarded with questions as soon as I walked in the dorm. I took a step back and adjusted my eyesight. All of the girls were sitting on the mattress staring up at me intently.

"How..." I started.

"Oh, I stayed up for a little while. I heard you leave. I figured that you were meeting up with my son." Ginny said.

"One: he's not yours yet. And two: you told them?" They nodded. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the mattress.

"So, what happened."

"Umm... Not much," I lied. "We just talked."

"Yeah, right."

"Well... Err..."

"Tell us what happened."

I got up and walked toward the bathroom. Before I closed the door, I poked my head out.

"I don't kiss and tell."

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Yay! I'm sorry this is short but this was a good place to end it. Hope you liked it. Bye!

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