Chapter 5

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Merlin, that tasted horrible. James winced. Everyone else looked sympathetic. I gulped the candy - if you could even call it that - and threw the bag at James, who swiftly caught it.

"Haarryy." I sang.

"Umm... Dare?" He said. James smiled and shook his head at his dad.

I grinned evilly.

"I dare you to let us girls dress you up as a girl how we want and you have to keep it on for the rest of the game." Harry's jaw dropped open.

"The rest of the game?!"

"Yup. Want a candy?"

"No. Those look horrible. I'll do it." I smiled.

"Well, come on then!" All of us girls dragged Harry upstairs to our dorm. I began thinking of ideas while the other girls got out make up and jewelry and clothes and such. We sat him in a chair and began working on him.

James's POV

"Gee, James. You sure did look worried about Rachel when she had to eat that candy." Fred teased.

"It was against her will." I shrugged.

"I say you like her."

"No!" I felt myself starting to blush.


"I don't."

"Bro," Al said. "We all can see it. You like her. A lot. It's kinda obvious."

"Plus that other thing." Scorp said.

"What?" I was lost.

"Merlin, you're so oblivious!" Louis said.

"She likes you back!" All the boys said together.

"I've only known her for a couple hours and I even see it!" Neville exclaimed.

What? Okay, yeah I like her. A lot. Heck, I might even love her. What can I say? She's beautiful, funny, friendly, amazing, and she gets a childish stage a lot, which is adorable. But she can't love an idiot like me, can she? I'm just a pathetic loser. I've played too many girls to count. I regret all of those decisions. Somehow I thought that was cool. It's just stupid and selfish. To lure a girl in and break her heart is just terrible. I shouldn't have done that.

"Bro, you have to ask her out." Fred said.

"I know."

Rachel POV

The girls had brought so many dresses to choose from! There were pink dresses and blue dresses and- well, you get it. We made him try on dress after dress but nothing would fit him!

"Wait! We could make one from magic!" I suggested. The other girls nodded at my idea so I did it. It was glittery on the top and pink on the bottom. It stopped at the knees so you could see every hair on his legs. It was pretty gross.

We burst out laughing. He turned around and faced himself in the mirror.

"I hate you, Rachel."

"Love you too. Now twirl for me." I said.

He twirled and the dress came up, exposing his thighs and underwear.

"Are we done yet?" He whined.

"No!" All us girls said together.

"You need necklaces," Rose started, stepping closer to him.

"And heels," Roxy did the same,

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