What happens now?

Start from the beginning

Suddenly the tracks stopped and Ashley found herself, as she had suspected, in the middle of nowhere. She snorted derisively at herself, knowing her luck so far, it should have been obvious that she would not find anything. Turning around she gasped. Behind her stood a magnificent castle, far larger than her father's. It looked relatively new and she was captivated by the enormous gardens. Compared to this castle, she had lived in a hovel.

Laughing out loud, she wondered how she had not seen the castle when she had first arrived. Running towards the castle doors, she smiled. Knocking on the door, she did not realise that there was an emblem on the flags that flew above the castle. She did not notice how the colours represented the noble Dukes and Duchesses of Manchester, instead, she wondered if she would be able to eat or not.

Felix paced around his study, trying to think of something else rather than her. A timid knock caught his attention and he smiled. If he was receiving guests, he would be able to keep his mind on other things.

" My lord, there is someone here to see you." smiled a servant outside the door.

" I will be in the sitting room in but a moment." he replied before walking down the stairs.

When he reached the bottom, he could not help but stare at the person in shock. What was she doing here? He clearly remembered leaving her at the old abandoned cottage, how had she managed to come here? Perhaps she was another one of the pathetic women that followed him everywhere so that one day someone would find them in a compromising situation and he would be forced to marry her. Yes, that was probably why she was here.

" It will not work, you know." he said.

Ashley whipped around in surprise. Out of all of the castles in the country, why did she have to end up at his? She could only open and close her mouth like a goldfish as her voice seemed to have currently gone away. Finally, she could make a sound and the question jumped out of her mouth.

" What will not work?"

" You want to follow me here so that someone will see us in a compromising situation. I will be forced to mary you as a consequence, is that your plan?" asked Felix. He was rather enjoying himself, not that he would ever admit it.

" Why would I do that?" asked Ashley indignantly.

" For the fortune and fame that you would have as the Duchess of Manchester. That is obvious to even the most simple of simpletons."

He had the nerve to suggest such a thing! How dare he insinuate that she was one of the whores that currently plagued gentlemen! She had dignity, she would not grovel on the ground for him, no matter how handsome he was.

" Why would I want that? Why would I want the fortune and fame?" insisted Ashley

" Then why are you here?" asked Felix, annoyed that she kept refusing his claims.

Ashley sighed and told him everything that had happened today. She told him about the carriage, her father, Adam and the horse tracks.

Felix tuned out to what she was saying and just stared at her. Her wavy black hair that cascaded down her back, her pale, creamy skin and her bright blue eyes. God, she was a beauty to envision. He let his eyes travel down to her body and watched as her chest rose and fell as breathed. Looking up, he noticed that her lips had stopped moving.  

" So, what was it you said you wanted?" asked Felix, trying to concentrate.

" Um.....I was wondering if I could stay here until I can find my way home." she asked.

He watched as she bit her lip. He watched her lips as if he was entranced.

" So.......may I?" asked Ashley, oblivious to the effect she had on him.

" Y...y.....yes, of course you can." stuttered Felix, not at all the arrogant duke that he was. He was too busy trying to cross his legs so he could hide the attraction he had for her. Not that he was successful.

" Solomon, take the lady up to one of the spare rooms." he called to his servant.

Ashley followed the servant up the stairs and they arrived at a magnificent room. She gasped in surprise. If this was a spare room, she could not imagine what his own room would be like. Laughing, she ran up to the bed and jumped on it.

" Thank you Solomon." The words were barely out of her mouth before she was fast asleep.

Felix scowled. Why had he agreed for her to stay. She would only serve to distract to him. She was like the forbidden fruit. He wanted her but at the same time he did not want her. She was the sister of Adam, that alone should have kept him away from her. It was only for honour. He could not turn a lady out of the castle at night without being dishonourable. That was why he had done it.

He walked to his own bedroom, passing a room with the door open. Peering inside, he smiled. He saw Ashley sprawled across the bed adorably. He just stood there staring at her, watching her sleep. Frowning, he quickly shook himself away and went to bed but found that he couldn't sleep. The fact that she was only a few rooms away gnawed at him. He wanted to go back and lie with her, just hold her in his arms.

He growled. She was a witch, a sorceress, a temptress. She would only take his money and fame. He would not betray his sister by lusting after her.

 Ashley and Adam were cut from the same cloth and he would do well to remember that.

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