Chapter 16

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Ryuugo tells Gama that the decisive battle with be in three days. Ryuugo also tells Gama that if he doesn't show then their will be more corpses just like Tani.

Later, Gama talking to Naoysohi about goes after the Kyousen School. Naoyoshi then stops Gama by telling him that he can go after Gama kills him. Gama then apologizes to Naoyoshi. At the Kyousen School base. Gorou ask Ryuugo if he is really going to have Sakon fight Gama which Ryuugo tells him yes. Ryuugo then puts blood on Sakon's forehead, which causes Sakon's true personality to awaken. Sakon then gets up and follows him brothers.

At the Ogame dojo, two individuals arrive at the front gate. In the dojo, Senka is wondering if Gama will be okay. The two then great Senka, she reveals that they are Ichinose Zenmaru and Sakura Shinnosuke. They then reveals that they have business at the Grand Tournament of Unabara.

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