Chapter 13

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Gorou, Shinosuke, Genzou, and Souji are outside of Naoyoshi's mansion, as Gorou tell them that Gama is inside the mansion. Gorou questions the others about going to attack Gama but the others tell him that he should stand guard. Souji then tells him that he never recognized Sakon as the head. Souji then thinks that he is the one suitable for being the head.

Inside the mansion, Naoyoshi tells Tani to prepare a headquarters other then his mansion. He then asks Tani how Gama is doing, which he tells him that Gama hasn't opened his eyes in three days and that he is holding his sword. Naoyoshi then enters the room that Gama is in, Naoyoshi then thinks about how Gama is fighting alone and wishes that their is another swordmen of the Ogame School their.

Tani is walking away from the room and talking about Gama participating in the tournament, when he notices three people have entered the mansion. Souji asks where Gama is but Tani doesn't answer. Tani then notices that they are with the Kyousen School and tries to warn Naoyoshi. Genzou then hits Tani and tells him that he crush his lungs. Genzou then hits Tani again and tells him that he ruptured Tani's stomach and spleen. Tani then coughs up blood and dies. As Genzou, Shinosuke, and Souji walk down the hall, Souji thinks about the Kyousen style, and how it works. Naoyoshi thinks he Tani's voice and thinks that the enemy has attacked. Gama then opens his eyes.

At the Ogame Dojo, Senka inform her father the Gama as defeated the Tengen School and the Nakaizumi School. Senka then informs her father that Gama had substained serious injure. Kamedenbou then talks to Senka about what Gama is capable of. At the mansion, the Kyousen School members enter the room that Gama is in, they then asks where Gama. Gama is then shown above the enterance behind Souji.

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