Mansae pt 2

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Blinded by love, I want go slowly lock my fingers with your smooth hands, boy (Don't push me anymore) ♬

Mingyu stood behind the railings of the school's rooftop. His mind was filled with thoughts of Jihoon alone despite how it screamed that it was enough. He really wanted to stop.

He really wanted to give the boy up.

This battle was getting tiring.

First it was the cute girl from Class 1-6, now the boy's best friend himself, Kwon Soonyoung.

He had so many rivals in Jihoon's heart.

And Jihoon barely even turned his way.

But even still, his heart states otherwise. His mind screamed to give up. Yet his heart whispered to keep moving forward. Somehow, it could feel that he was getting closer to the boy. He was getting closer to the person who owns it. But what if he'll get hurt again? Although it wasn't obvious, Mingyu was no masochist. He didn't like it when his heart would beat in an imaginable speed thus resulting to this pain he had become accustomed of.

His eyes fell on his open palms, the wind carelessly blowing through his styled locks.

He remembered how much he wanted to hold Jihoon's hand.

How much he longed to intertwine his fingers to his just like how that girl did.

'Hyung? Should I really give up on you?'

'Are you happy that I'm not bothering you anymore?'

'Will you be more happy if you were with Soonyoung hyung?'

Mingyu took a deep breath, his eyes diverted from his open palm to the scenary before him. He had to decide once and for all.

He had to make a decision.

Give Jihoon up or continue pursuing him. Maybe even kidnap him or something, just so that he can finally call the boy his.

He had to think.

He was getting desperate.

After for a few seconds...

... he screamed.

Then sprinted out of the school rooftop. He ran through the crowded hallways filled with spectators from different schools and establishments, but that didn't hindered him from running as fast as he could. He was looking for a familiar face. Someone he wanted to speak with all his heart. And when he saw that person, Mingyu wasted no time and sprinted even faster to his direction.

Soonyoung nearly felt his own soul left his body when someone yanked him away from his friends. What shocked him even further was the sight of Mingyu gasping for air while grasping his arm rather tightly.

"Y-yah! What's your prob–"

"Shush! Come with me."

Fvck. Did this ungrateful child just ordered him?!

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Mingyu kept quiet as he made their way to the crowded hall. The feat irked Soonyoung more. Jihoon had already been ignoring him ever since that he could remember and now this? Was the months of courting Jihoon slowly turned Mingyu someone like that friend of his?

Is this the well known 'Jihoonie's virus'?!

And why was this kid running too fast?! Don't he know how hard it is to not bump into people at this speed?!

On a different note, Soonyoung nearly choked when he finally noticed where Mingyu had taken him.

The school's huge ass garden.

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