Mingyu sank deeper onto the couch at that statement. It was true, he doesn't really seemed to see Jihoon as a boy. His mind couldn't seemed to properly process that. "Then... What am I supposed to do?"

Wonwoo stared at him for the longest time and he knew that whatever advice will he say, Mingyu will have no choice but to follow it.


Mingyu was torn. He was dying. He was having a withdrawal. He felt like he can't live anymore.

Or maybe he was just over reacting.

But he don't know if he could last long with this plan.

Well, Wonwoo's advice was to stop giving Jihoon lunches and love letters. And see if he gives the slightest care about Mingyu and his extra annoying affection. (A lie because Wonwoo just wanted for Mingyu to shut up so that he can read in peace.)


Easier said than done.

Mingyu woke up extra early that day to make Jihoon another lunch that's obviously going to be rejected. But while in the midst of cooking, he remembered that he wasn't supposed to cook for Jihoon anymore.

So to not waste his efforts up. He decided to just give it to Wonwoo, who gave him a stink eye when he did so. Mingyu hurriedly then clarified that it meant nothing and told him he's not his type. Although still suspicious, Wonwoo still ate it.

Jihoon on the other hand was startled that he saw no lunch on his locker that day. What was even more shocking was the fact that instead of glomping on him like he usually do when they bump on the hallways, the boy wore this pained expression before he dashed to the opposite direction of where Jihoon was. Of course he tripped countless times.

It was strange.

And it continued for about an entire week.

The cafeteria was noisy as always. Soonyoung was spouting some nonsense to Seokmin yet again. Seungkwan would butt in from time to time and the other occupants of the table laughed along their antics. Except for a certain someone.

Jihoon mindlessly poked the meat on his ramyun, hearing nothing of his friends conversation. For some unknown reasons, the food doesn't look appealing that very moment. It wasn't that because it was spicy, no Jihoon's ramyun was devoid of any chilli so it was pretty harmless.

And yet, Jihoon still doesn't seemed to have the appetite. A certain someone's image then popped up in this head. His stupid smiling face and extra cringe worthy love letters suddenly filled the entire space of his brain.

Jihoon hurriedly shook that image off. His cute smile, dorky ways, clumsy self. Oh my God, why on earth was he thinking of him in the first place?



That kid has nothing to do with how your food looked less appealing that moment. Said Jihoon's more rational side.

"Right, Jihoon?"

Soonyoung suddenly spoke, waking him from his trance. The pink haired boy looked at his friend who had this hopeful expression on his face. He also noticed that everyone on the table had their eyes on him. Jihoon silently cursed as he had no idea what this Soonyoung spoke of.

And he simply can't say yes.

Well for starters saying yes to Soonyoung led him to having a ridiculous pink hair in the first place.

"I'm sorry," He cleared his throat. "I wasn't listening. Can you please repeat that again?"

Soonyoung dramatically groaned at that. "Oh come on! I said a lot and you're just going to ignore me like that? How could you?"

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