"Liam," I sigh.

He picks up the house phone because it's still ringing.

"Hello?" he's quiet for a second. "Yeah, twenty minutes. Okay, bye."

He hangs up.

"We're going to your grandparents house."

"Liam, don't be mad at me." I sigh.

"I'm not." He says, walking out of the kitchen.

Yeah he is.

Frustrated, I clean up from dinner because it's my turn since he cooked, and then I go change.

He grabs the keys for the Nissan.

We don't really discuss who's car we're taking. We just grab the first keys we see.

I throw on a pair of white ripped skinny jeans and a light gray loose tank top on. I have a black lace pushup on under.

I've been avoiding me family, and I see them only when Liam sees them.

I've seen them probably five times in the past ten months, and that's for holidays or birthday parties.

I feel ashamed for being an idiot and not asking Liam for help, and I know they're all probably sick of me.

He drives, and the ride is silent.

He parks and we get out.

"Liam," I start.

"Abby, I'm not mad at you." He says, walking into the house.

Everyone is already here.

I sigh, following him.

Everyone starts hugging us.

"You guys got another Nissan?" Mum asks. She looks at me in worry.

"I bought it back." I say.

"Oh." She looks shocked. "You did?"

"Yes. With my own money."

I know she's thinking Liam helped me.

"I'm out of debt, actually." I say.

"Really?" Dad asks. "Weren't you like, six thousand in debt?"

I nod.

"Did Liam help you?" Grandma asks.

"No." I say. "I got myself in the mess, and I got myself out."

They stop questioning me because they can obviously tell I don't feel like talking about it.


We're here for a movie or something, and Liam is completely avoiding me.

We're outside again, and I'm just kinda sitting alone, playing on my phone.

He hasn't said a word to me, and it's been like, two hours.

Mum slowly sits down next to me.

"So...are you and Liam fighting?" she asks.

I sigh.

"I don't know." I mutter.

She sits with me, and it's kinda nice.

I've missed Mum.

It's weird though, because everyone is watching the movie, and Liam is sitting alone, and I was sitting alone, but I'm with Mum now, and we're both on our phones, and he keeps running his hands through his hair like he's stressed, and I'm just kinda not doing anything, but I keep messing with my hair.

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