Chapter 4

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Nervous, I open up my door. Liam gets out too.

I take a deep breath and walk up to the car.




Liam was right.

They're naked in the back seat.

I feel so angry.

She's a fucking kid!

I literally want to cry.

I walk away from the car, and then back, and away again, and then back.

"What?" Liam asks, walking over to me. He peeks into the car and cringes, turning to me.

"Shit. What do we do?"

I knot my fingers in my hair, thinking.

I rip open the rear passenger door.
"Hey!" I say loudly. "You two, wake the fuck up!"


"Abby!" Izzy yells at me. "What the fuck!"

She starts grabbing clothes, frantic.

I make Liam turn around.

"Are you fucking stupid? I didn't know what happened to you! I fucking woke Mum and Dad up! Dad called your parents! It's almost two in the morning! We've been driving for a fucking hour looking for you two!"

"Abby, turn the fuck around so we can get dressed."

She's pissed.

I turn around.

Then I hear the passenger door shut, the car starts, and then Izzy goes flying out of the parking spot.

I sprint to my car, Liam following me.

I start it up and I'm flying out of the spot after her, shifting into fifth before I even out of the tiny parking lot. I take off, pressing eighty.

"Babe, call my Dad. I wasn't going to tell them until I spoke to her, but now she pissed me off. Tell him everything."

I drive, following my sister, and Liam dials my Dad.

"Abby, please tell me you found them. We met up in the Walmart parking lot." Dad says.

"It's not Abby. She's driving. We found them in the subway parking lot on Drew street and Hercules. Naked, in the back seat."

"They had sex!" Mum shouts, outraged.

"yes, they had fucking sex." I snarl. I turned around so they could get dressed and she fucking got in the car with him and now they're flying down Northeast Coachmen. I'm following them."

"We're gonna pass in three, two, one-"

She go bulleting past Walmart.

"Holy shit. She's like, going a hundred!"

A second or so later, Dad comes following in his truck, and behind him is Mum in her Jeep. Behind her is Tyler's parents and younger sister.

"Alright Abigail, I need you to listen to me." Dad says as Izzy takes the turn for the Courtney Campbell, heading towards Tampa. "When the way is clear, I want you to press the gas harder and cut her off. I'm going to come up behind her. Your mother has Alan on the other line and I've got her added into this call. Cut her off, get in front of her. I'm going to be right behind her. Zara, baby, I need you to go tp her left, Alan, go to the right. We're going to box her in. Abby, you're going to start to slow the car down. Not suddenly, but enough to where she has to slow down. When you get to twenty, slam on the breaks. Zara, Alan, slow down at the same speed at Izzy and Tyler, alright?"

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