Mind over matter #9

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I grab the closest thing to my hand, and slink over to the bench, smiling still at him, giving him a chance to notice the amount of distaste that is radiating off me. As I finally look at what I grabbed to make a sandwich I notice that the tofu was in my hand.

“Oh mother, why is there tofu in my hand? What’s it doing in the fridge? I don’t understand we are predators, why are we eating something that doesn’t belong in the dogs bowel anyway?”

My mother huffed at the accusation and walks over to the fridge and starts rummaging around looking for something more appropriate. During this period of time I found myself smiling at Hunter, but this smile was a sly cunning smile. If anyone had smiled at me like this I would have been worried about what they were planning.

My mother pulled out some meat and butter and then decided that I was more then capable of holding a knife without doing anything dangerous. Never mine that I had not misjudged holding a knife since that little accident two years ago. But apparently she thought I was well supervised by Hunter.

A little nick with the butter knife and no-one was the wiser. I needed the pain, I needed the feeling of being in this world, and it’s the only one I have left.

I needed to be in this world if I was going to survive this encounter with Hunter.

Still smiling at Hunter as I accidently sliced a few layers of skin on my hand.

I finished making the sandwich and only managed to “get” myself a couple of times with the blunt knife.

Beyond belief blunt does not mean blunt. I have this uncanny ability to make anything a weapon or something that can be used to harm.

I walk calmly over to the sink and start to wash my hands. I was too busy washing my hands to notice that Hunter had begun to walk over.

I didn’t notice that he was looking at my sandwich. I was to busy making sure that my hand had stopped bleeding.

Putting as much pressure as I could on my nicks I smile at where I thought Hunter was sitting none the wiser.

I release a gasp not knowing where he is, only to be drawn to the laughter that is coming from behind me near my sandwich.

I turn around furious that he was laughing for no reason. I didn’t understand that it was cause I had managed to mangle my sandwich.

I sway, only faulting for  second.. luckily Hunter didn’t notice.

As I am hypnotized by the red that swirls and flows from my hand into the whole of doom, where all food scraps and liquids go and never return from. My hands start to shake with all the lose of red dancing.

I drop to the floor and land fairly heavily on my rump with a thud. My eyes focusing in and out of blurriness.

Hunter rushers over beside me and managers to catch my head just before it hits the ground. I can still see what’s going.. and I can hear what’s being said… I just cant move… my limbs feel too heavy.

A wave of panic streaks across his face as his intelligent eye observe my body. My body reacts in the only way it knows how to… it squirms under the surveillance.

A sigh rushers from his lips and then they return to there pursed together stance.

“Octavia, I need you to listen to me. I don’t want to know why; I understand the reasons and implications as to why. This will be weird and you are not going to come out of this unscathed. I relies that you thought I was not paying attention to you ever action. I noticed that when you came in here you walked with a slight limp. I managed to get a peek at your leg and all I saw was blood… Curiosity must have gotten the better of me as I was talking. I became suspicious but I did want to give you the benefit of the doubt. However, you are losing too much blood from your little accident with the knife and your leg. I need to bandage up your leg and your hand, but this requires me moving you. I understand that this will be uncomfortable since you do not know me. I’m only going to say this once. Deal with it.”

With that Hunter promptly pick me up off the ground and moved me away from the kitchen where I had collapsed.

I open my eyes to a smile, then a set of solid eyes. They were set with concern. As I reliesed where I was I quickly hoped off the living room couch and to the far corner of the room away from Hunter.

Smiling as I attempt to regain my balance from the dizziness that suddenly overwhelmed me.

I swayed.

 In a failed attempt I reach for something to grab only to end up looking up at Hunter.

Hunter hold out his hand, a length of patience radiates off him when I relies that he is not mentioning my failed attempt to get rid of this world right in front of him.

I smile and weakly take his hand trying to not seem so heavy as he pulls me up.

I shuffle over to the couch and take a seat. Hunter sits on the coffee table in front of me. I don’t have the heart to look up at him. I can just image the expression that is smeared across his face. The hurt and angry that would soon follow the inevitable sadness.

That type of sadness I see most commonly in my father. The sadness that is accompanied by silence. The silence that can cut a heartstring.

I see this on my father every day of his life. The pain and the anguish that he carries for me.

He hides from my mother.

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