Nothing Like A Family Dinner.

Start from the beginning

"I love you too and good night." Not too long after he said that he fell asleep himself.

Friday Evening. 5:45 p.m.

You were running aroung the kitchen like a chicken without a head to say the least. You wanted everything to be perfect so your dinner and the whole weekend would go smoothly. To say that you were perfectionist was a understatement.

You gave Barry the job of looking out for the impala. You got a text at five o'clock saying they would be there in one hour. You looked at the clock on your oven and you saw that it was already a quarter to six you screamed.

"What's wrong?" Barry yells from the living room and when he doesn't hear a clear response he knows he needs to go into the kitchen.

"Babe?" Barry was starting to get a little concerned for Y/N. He doesn't like it when she is constantly worrying and stressed. It was so much easier when he could just hand her a glass of wine to calm her nerves. "Barry they are going to be here soon and I don't look ready." You admitted.

Barry looked at the table behind you and saw that the table was set and that the food was on the table and everything looked great. "You look more than ready." Barry said scrunching his eye brows up. "Its not about the food Barry I am talking about being mentally ready."

You said about to burst into tears. Barry wrapped a big arm around you and pulled you in for the biggest hug. "Y/N, you are going to do fine. I think its tose hormones acting up again." Barry said still holding you.

Instead of tears you laughed into Barry's chest. "You're right, Barry." You said moving one hand to wipe the rest of your tears away. "And when I am not?!" Barry questioned you. "Don't push it, Allen." You grunted.

Then you heard a loud engine rolling up the street and after that tow car doors shut. "They're here!" You said pushing Barry away and running over to the door. You opened the door and met the boys at the front steps. " Come on in guys!" You said opening the door for them.

You gave them both hugs after they set their stuff down. "How are you guys! And how was the trip?" You asked after hugs and kisses. Dean still kept an arm, around your should gave it a slight squeeze after your hug.

Sam shook Barry's hand and they started talking about stuff you and Dean didn't even understand.

"Not a lot of traffic early in the day but as the day lagged on the traffic got a little bad but that's nothing we can't handle." Dean said still with a arm around you. Dean gave you one last kiss on the toe of your head as you told the guys food was on the table. You and Dean followed them with hands wrapped around each other into the dining room.

Obviously you sat beside Barry and Sam and Dean sat beside each other but You were across from Dean and Sam was beside Barry because Barry sat at the end of the table.

After grace was said and the food was passed around the table and everyone's plate was filled you offered a glass of wine to your brothers, you already knew Dean would.

"You know what, I'll take one." Sam says after Barry and Dean tell you that they want some.

"White or Red?" You called from inside the kitchen.

"It doesn't matter!" Barry answered first.

"I prefer red!" Sam and Dean yelled in unision.

You just took out the red wine and poured only three glasses.

You brought the boys their glasses and sat back down very content. Dean and Sam then looked down at their wine glasses and then at you. Barry just started sipping his wine, knowing what was coming next.

"Why didn't you get yourself a glass?" Dean asked pointing at your boring glass of water.

"I can't drink anymore, well for nine months." You say taking a drink of water. "What do you mean?" Dean couldn't figure out but you could tell Sam just put two and two together.

Sam looked at his older brother with annoyance. "Dude!" He said slapping him on the back of his head. "She can't drink for nine months because Y/N is pregnant!"

Dean eyes widened with realization and then he looked back at you. "You're p-pregnant." Dean gasped. You smiled and nodded your head yes. "How long have you known?" Was Dean's next question. "Well, we wanted to wait the three months and now since its been three month and there were the worst because it ate up but no that I was able to to tell you and get that off my chest. I feel so much better!" You sighed with relief.

" I think I speak for the both of us when I say but we are so happy for you and congratulations to you both." Sam said looking at the you two glowing parents. "Now, what did you do when you found out, Barry?" Dean pointed at his brother-in-law. "Well, I flipped out and actually passed out because she came up all the way to Star Labs to tell me." Barry admitted with a big, goofy grin on his face.

You all began to laugh at the of that story.

And pretty soon you will able be laughing at your bubbling baby boy or girl.

That will be the day.

The end!

I hope this isn't too short and I hope you guys all like it! Sorry if I haven't updated in awhile I am trying tho ! XOXO

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