Part 8

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The next day.

I shook my leg nervously as I waited for my results, I jumped when the doctor walked in,


He said with a smile as he sat down behind his desk,

"So we have good news and bad news....the good news're pregnant....the bad news is...your body is under a lot of stress which isn't good for the baby..."

I just stared at him without saying anything,

"From the look on your face I'm assuming this wasn't part of your plan..."

I shook my head,

"In most cases it isn't planned...but you'll adapt to it I promise...most women do...."

You-"how far along am I?"

"Almost 16 weeks..."

He gave me some vitamins to take and set up another appointment.

When I reached the set, I just sat in my car both my hands and forehead on the steering, I took a deep breath in before walking in.

I opened the door of the makeup room and Norman was sitting on the couch, when he saw me he moved to the makeup chair.

I placed my bag on the chair then turned his chair so he could face me,

You-"we need to talk.."

Norman-"about what?"

He said coldly,

Norman-"if it's about what happened...just forget that shit..."


Norman-"and I'm sorry for treating you like that played me..."

You-"Norman...I'm pregnant!"

A Norman Reedus Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now