51. Movies

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It's 5 days to new year and if I don't know better, I would think Carly isn't avoiding me after our little heart to heart conversation on Christmas day but I do know better.
She bloody is avoiding me, she barely looks at me and when I try to talk to her and gives me her infamous "I'm fine".
She's making me wonder if I said or did anything wrong, apart from kissing the bridge of her nose, I don't think I did anything wrong.
Hell I didn't even judge her from her stupid" Predictable Routine" speech. I mean it's really fucked up that she cares a lot about what others think, I just wish she didn't but her incurable kindness was one of the many reasons I fell in love with her in the first place.
"You ready? "Louis ask and I nod my head then grab my coat. I slide into his car, so does Neil and Kim, with Liam driving Gemma and Carly behind us.
I notice Neil and Kim giving small talks in the backseat and I roll my eyes
" You two know it's obvious right? " I ask
" What's obvious? " Kim ask
" That you have feelings for each other" Louis speaks my mind.
I wouldn't actually say my mind cause I would have said "it's obvious you want to fuck each other"
"No we don't " Kim chuckles
" You do.. I can feel it, it's so clear that I can even touch it" I scoff, Neil laughs, not denying.
"He's right Kimberly, I do like you " Neil man's up and speak. Both Louis and I gasp in a sarcastic manner, making Kim giggle.
" You do? " she ask
" Didn't he just fucking say it? " I groan
" Shut the fuck up Styles " Neil pulls my hair from behind and I shoot him a bad glare
" Try that one fucking time and I'm going to cut your ball and shove it up your throat" I threaten
"You should shove up Kim's throat " Louis laughs
" Guys seriously stop! " Neil warns and we try to suppress our laugh.
Seconds later I think I hear Neil apologizing then asking Kim on a date.
I huff, fucking Neiller.
Louis finds a place in the packing lot and when he finally got a place, we slide out of the car and watch Liam pack a few cars away from us.
"What do you guys want to watch? " Louis ask as we walk into the movies.
I look over to Carly and see her smiling with Gemma.
I think about the date Neil asked Kim and maybe I should ask Carly too.
Too fast haz.. A voice says
Yeah you're right, she still hasn't given me an answer if she wants to forgive me yet.
"Fifty shades of Grey? " Neil ask
" Dude no! My younger sister's here " Louis says and I laugh
" Louis you know I'm an adult right? I'm 20 not 5" Gemma says and Liam wraps his arm around her waist.
I notice Neil do same to Kim, Louis is walking in front and doesn't even notice that everyone has a partner.
Georgia is going to arrive here by new Year's eve and then it would be really awkward for Carly and I
"Let's just watch Deadpool " I groan
" Deadpool? " Louis ask everyone and they answer yes before Louis and I finally walk to get tickets.
" So how's the "operation get Rapunzel back" going?
"It's unexplainable" I run my hand through my hair then wear my black beanie "She's driving me insane men"
Louis laughs "did you think it'll be easy?"
"yes!.. But she's so damn difficult to understand! One minute I think she's angry that I didn't apologize and the next she's saying she can't forgive me because she cares too much about what everybody's gon say"
"Ok that's harsh " he pays for the tickets then we head back
" Yeah.. I wish she can just tell the world to fuck off and forgive me" I say sincerely
"Sorry mate " Louis says, I'm guessing he doesn't know what exactly to say. I don't blame him though, even I don't know what to say.
"Let's go" Louis smiles and we all walk to the theater room.

I fear that the sitting position was planned cause I refuse to say it's a pure consciences that Liam, Louis, Gemma, Kim and Neil filled the second to last seat and Harry and I had to sit together.
Harry sees how uncomfortable I am and smirks at me. I roll my eyes knowing he is enjoying taunting me.
The movie room goes dark as the movie starts and in a second, I feel my eyes gently closing. I must be really exhausted or maybe it's the constant fight with Harry about our non existing relationship that has made me feel so exhausted that it has affected my body. I fall asleep almost immediately as the movie starts and I feel my head fall on someone's shoulder.
It's probably Harry's and I know I shouldn't sleep on his shoulder, I don't want to be leading him on when I know I'll still reject him, but I'm just too exhausted to try and think things through.
I feel a warm hand go around my waist and something like a kiss on my hair.
I miss this, the way Harry shows public affection towards me, I know we haven't gained an actual balance between us but it doesn't stop my stomach from fluttering at the slightest contact.
"I love you" Harry might have said while kissing my hair, I'm not too sure as I drift into a time when my world was filled with innocent green eyes and a mirror.

Pic : (Harry)
I am so sorry for late updates.. I had exams and was busy writing a new book. I'm really sorry you guys had to wait so long.

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