26. New Year's Event

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"What about Anne ? " I ask Henry midway into the drive
" She and Mrs Tomlinson are going for dinner" he shrugs " They do that like every year, while we the kids have fun at a grill downtown"
"I'm not a kid" I pout and Henry laughs
"Sure" he rolls his eyes "You're an offspring chicken"
"Henry! "I pretend to be mad but we're laughing in no second. I will miss this when I go back home
"I'm glad you stayed with me through this six days " he says out of the blues
" Of course you are " I jokes " I'm too awesome for you to not be without me"
"Yes, you agree... I bow to your awesomeness " he goes along with my joke as he parks the car beside Louis and Liam's cars. We got out of the car and follow the remaining two couples to the bar.
The front of the bar is decorated with Christmas lights and trees. Beside the big 'Pure Haven Bar and Grill' is a small sculpture of a beer cup.
We all walk into the bar and it's filled with cheers and laughter. Louis claims our 6 table reservation and we got to sit by the window.
"This seems nice " Georgia says as we sit around the table.
" It is babe" Louis kisses her cheek, making the girl blush again. I like her, I don't know why Gemma doesn't
"Would you like us to order now? " Gemma asked
" Beer for the men and water for the ladies" Louis says
"What? " Georgia,  Gemma and I said in unison
"Someone's got to be the designated drive"  Louis answers,  while Liam was trying his best not to laugh at us ladies.
"That's unfair " I mutter,  I'm not a legal yet but seriously this is the only chance I get to take beer and it's all ruined cause of Louis.
"Wait till you're eighteen" Louis said
"I'm nineteen" Georgia replied
"You're an exception babe"
Henry sits close to me and suddenly lay his head on my shoulder with his arms around my waist,  For a moment I'm in trance as the simple connection drives me to the edge.  As If he was doing it on purpose he raises his head smirk then sink his face in the pit of my neck before placing butterfly kisses on it. 
His he mad? Doesn't he knows that this is driving me crazy?
" So Liam where are you from? " Louis ask Liam
" Wolverhampton"
"Wow, so you're same class with Gemma?" Louis scoff
"I'm same class with both of them" he gestures at me and I smile. He's handling Louis pretty well though I know he doesn't really like him.
"So you are seventeen also?" Louis asked
"Yes sir"
"No beer for you
"I don't drink anyways" Liam replies
"Hope you use condoms? " Henry mumbles from my neck and Gemma squeal. I shove my boyfriend "What? Protection is important " The waiter finally arrive with a menu in her hand Georgia helps us with our order
" Henry Please shut it " Louis says and we all fall in awkward silence,  but Henry doesn't stop with the wicked tease.  A few awkward moment later the waiter comes back and then rock music starts to blast from the speakers making us turn to the small stage. Some band are playing and I lightly drum my hands on the table. In no time the bands were through and every table went cheering
"Give it up for the "Hampshire"  The owner of the bar, (I assume)  says and everyone cheered " Now We need 4 young lads to do a karaoke for us " The man says after the Hampshire band had finally stepped down from the stage.
My gaze averts to Henry who was sniffing my hair and I wonder if he could sing. Harry notice my stare and shouts" Oh no "
" There's one here! " I point at him and the man turns to our table
" They are 3 actually" someone shouts from the other table but the boys wouldn't get up
"C'mon don't be shy " Gemma sings
"I'll have my revenge" Henry mutters as he finally stands up. Louis and Liam does same and the whole bar goes crazy.
We, being the supportive girlfriends we are, screams their name. Georgia seem to be having fun, so is Gemma which is good for me. At least they're not arguing or trying to pull each other hair like they did when Louis announced that Georgia was his girl.
I honestly don't get Gemma and Louis relationship, they love each other to death but hates their spouse? I mean, Louis doesn't hate Liam, he just doesn't fancy him a lot while Gemma, being my best friend hates Louis girlfriend and doesn't bother to hide it.
I shake the thought off since it was none of my business anyway and turn my gaze to Henry who is giving me a - you'll so pay for this - stare
"Suck it up " I mouth to him then blow him a filthy kiss follow by a wink.
" So you'll just choose a song from this list" the man says and we watch Henry, Louis and Liam pick a song. Some other guy with half blonde hair was pushed to the stage and I watch Louis shake his hands.
"They are going to be horrible " Georgia laughs.
"Liam and Louis sings pretty well. I don't know about Harry " Gemma says, stealing Liam's beer
" I haven't heard him sing yet" I shrug. Even if he's a horrible singer it wouldn't matter, I won't like him any less.
I relax on my chair looking at how gorgeous my boyfriend was. I shouldn't be checking him out but I just can't stop and I'm glad that he's mine.
All mine!!!

I might never be your night in shinny armor
I might never be the one you take home to mother
Louis voice blends so well with the sound and his accent doubles. I recognize the song to be perfect by one direction
"Wow " I'm speechless
Though the boys are just standing there like log of woods, I'm sure they'll open up one way or another
When I first saw you
From Across the room
I can tell that you're curious
Liam sings and Gemma shouts " That's my boyfriend" we all laugh at her and continue watching the boys
But if you like causing trouble up in hotel room
And If you like having secretly little rendezvous
If you like to do the things you know that we shouldn't do
Baby I'm perfect
Baby I'm perfect for you
Harry turns to me singing and I have this itisy bitsy feeling that he's singing to me
Baby I'm perfect
So let's start right now
He's eying me like I'm his priced possession then a smirk is placed on his face. The guy with blonde hair starts the second verses and Henry eyes doesn't leave mine.
Immediately they finish the song, all the tables goes crazy at how amazing the boys are and Henry walks up to me
"Hey" I squeal
"I'm a star " he jokes then take my hands in his
" oh please " I huff then congratulate Liam and Louis on their amazing voice and wave to the guy with blonde hair who I learned name was Neil, Louis and Henry happens to know him from high school.
Henry takes me out of the bar and we sat on his truck watching the night sky. It will be new year in a couple of minutes and I'm glad I'm spending it with him.
"I'm going to get back at you " he says and I throw my head back and laugh
" Of course you will" I laugh then kiss him. Something I've been dying to do since this afternoon. Henry smiles into the kiss and we hold hands as we watch the night sky.
"Can I ask a personal question " Henry asked u. I turn my head to him and my eyebrow raises in question
" Shoot " I reply
" Do you ever want to meet your real parents?"
"Wow that was unexpected " I chuckle nervously.  Then clear my throat" no"
" No? " he asks
" Actually i've thought about it for a long time. Why my parents abandoned me? What my life would be if I actually had them? "I scoff. "But I like my life the way it is.  If my real parents come into this picture,  I'm afraid all would be ruin...  So I try my best not to think of having them in my life. It might be best this way"  I smile and Henry snakes his hand around my waist then kiss my head. He doesn't persuade me further and I really am glad
Few seconds later, people started to pour out of the grill "Humans" Harry rolls his eyes and I giggle.
"The countdown starts from 10" someone shouts then everyone one starts to count. My eyes search for Gemma but I couldn't find her
"5.4.3. 2. 1. Happy new year! " I yell with the others and I hear a whisper
I love you Carly
My heart skips a beat and I turn to Henry but he isn't looking at me, he's just watching the fireworks with a grimace on his face

*New Year's Event *
Pic ( Harry, Louis, Liam and Neil)
Song for the Chapter : Perfect by one direction

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