Favorite Books, Secret Meanings

Start from the beginning

Rize stared at me for a long time, then giggled and leaned back into the chair. "That's so like you."

"How so?"

"Not telling."

"What? Come on."


She smiles to herself as she boasts in having a secret from me. Then she seems to realize something and turns back to me with a curious smile.

"But didn't you say way back when you were still thinking on the ending of another book? Wasn't it, Hamlet?" She asked, jumping off the couch and looking at the bookshelf, searching for the book in question.

I frowned. "Yeah, but that book... it gives me a weird feeling of Dejá vu or something." I mumbled.

"Hmm, you'll have to deliver it to me later then. I think I want to read them both, Tempest and Hamlet." She says, looking up at the clock. "It's about time to hit the hay anyway."

"What's your room number again?" I asked her.

She gave me a smirk. "It's room 17... and Nashiro is in room 3, just in case you wanna talk with her." She said, though she gave me a wink, and emphasized the word talk.

"Haha, very funny." I said, opening my book and continuing where I left off. I feel Rizes eyes over me, like they have always been. Then when I glance up, she's gone.

She always seems to know when to cheer me up. I smile as I continue to read.

Urie POV

Following with what I found a few days ago, I'm getting close to something dangerous. I feel like every time I go outside there's eyes staring daggers into my back.

Now I'm at home, in my studies. Papers lined up everywhere around me, and drinking coffee to stay awake. The mystery, studying Furuta more closely.

Something is hidden in the CCG. Something none of us are seeing. I run a hand through my hair. When I asked about this Kurona Yasuhisa with one of the board directors, they had no idea what I was talking about, and said that in the file they had lost some of the data as to his knowledge.

He wasn't lying, but it still doesn't add up. As soon as I started digging around, the files small "error" had been fixed when I went to get the reinstalled version of the file on her.

Someone wants her whereabouts hidden. But who Dammit?!

I clench my teeth, thinking hard. Just as a knock at the door sends my flying and ramming my knee into my desk, I clench it and grumble in pain.

But I slowly get up and walk to the door, and open it to find Mutsuki, who has a worried and nervous expression.

"Are you okay? Need another coffee?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'm fine... and no, I don't need more coffee. Has anyone come to the front door?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow in question. "Um, no? Why?" She asked.

I can't be too grumpy right now, it's only Mutsuki. I sigh and then notice something. We of the Quinx squad share a huge mansion, but we hadn't been in a mission for awhile.

"Mutsuki, who's is our target as of right now? We're just watching over the 10th ward, right?" I asked.

She gave me a nod. "You sure your okay? You look exhausted, you haven't slept in the past two or three days." She said.

I rub my eyes. "Like I said, I'm fine. Leave me to my studies."

She gave me a nod and left without another word. I close the door and stare at the large stacks of research on my desk and around it. There's barely enough room in here.

Just a little more. A small enough of a clue will set me on track. I need to focus, maybe on the girls connections more?

I look over the Crows files, but nothing other than them being in Nest is there any other relations. I glance over the others, then stop at one file named "Scorpion".

The one that was exterminated during the Nest raid. I look over his files and such, but something catches my eye.

No name? Usually we find out their name once they've been exterminated, because we get to see their face and do an autopsy.

Wait, his body was tooken and burned along with Nest from Crow. That would explain it. But down in the description, it says that at one point, Scorpion is the one that broke Crow out of Cochlea.

He was undercover in CCG for about a month, just to break Crow out.

Damn... I need info!

And the only way to do that is...

I clench my teeth and groan. I'm going to have to tail Furuta, and see what I can find. I look in a drawer in my desk, and find a mask that I got when we were pretending to be ghouls back in the day. I remember Haise had a very keen taste for black leather.

I frown and put the mask into my bag. If I get caught, he won't know it was me. I hope.

(While Kurona struggle, Levin tries to live life while pushing aside his pain. And how close will Urie dare to take this? Will he be caught in spying on him? Nonetheless I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day!) - MnMs171

A question I've wanted to ask you guys:

What's your favorite part of this book so far? I want to know what my readers love so much about my writing :)

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