1. how you meet

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you were sitting in the local park with your family, consisting of your older brother Danny, your younger brothers Michael and Shawn, your mother Debbie and your father Jerry, when a little boy around Mikey and Shawn age came up and asked them to play. Of course hey agreed, so they ran away with the little boy (who they didn't know) towards the swing park area. A lady came up to your mum and apologised sincerely for her nephew, as her family had just moved into your estate and he got a little bit too excited about the swing park. You looked around at her family and noticed her dogs, husband and, what seemed to be, her extremely hot son who looked your age.

"Anyways, I'm Natasha. This is my husband Tony and my son George," Natasha continued on a conversation with your mum as George approached you.

"Hi I'm George, lovely to meet you." He smiled widely as he sat down next to you on the bench. You smiled back and replied, "I'm Y/N, lovely to meet you too." You stared into each others eyes and you know right then and there that you would be seeing George again.


You were on your way to your cousin Tom's house for dinner because it was his 17th birthday. When you got to his house, the rest of you and Tom's family chatted and caught up, while you went up to his room. You two were sitting in his room playing Xbox and gossiping when his doorbell went.

"Finally! That'll be Blake hopefully... Or the pizzas," he sighed, each being a possibility. He didn't know which he wanted more at this point.

"Tom honey, Blake is here!" Your aunt shouted from downstairs. Tom ran down downstairs, leaving you to stand awkwardly in his room alone. You scanned the memory board on his wall for pictures of you two when you were younger, causing you to smile like an idiot. You and Tom had always been close because his father left him and his mum when Tom was 10 so your dad stepped in as his father figure and helping your aunt out with paying bills etc, so you's spent a lot of time together.

You were almost in tears, remembering that sad time in Tom's life an how much pain he put Tom and your aunt through, when Tom and a really cute boy walked through his door and jumped on the bed and his sofa making their selves comfortable. You turned around, smile awkwardly at Tom with an eyebrow raised to hint that you wanted to know who the stranger sitting on the sofa was.

"Oh, I get it! Um, Blake this is my favourite cuz Y/N, Y/N this is my best friend Blake." He smiles innocently. You look at Blake and give him a little smile. He smiled back and winked at you. For the rest of the night You played Xbox against Tom and Blake, and won obviously. Blake was amazed by you and wanted to get to know you more so he would sneakily bring up questions about you in conversations and steal glances at you until you caught him. You both ended up meeting again at a party and that would be a story for another time.


You were waiting at Stratford train station for your train with your best friend Tee, which you were dreading because that meant saying goodbye again. You were sat in the Starbucks cafe when 3 boys strolled in. You recognised them from somewhere but you didn't really think anything of it because you knew of a lot of people.

"Is it that not that band the vamps signed?" Tee blurted out of nowhere, she must have seen you staring at them. It rang a bell in your head but you just shrugged. The dirty blond, floppy headed boy turned around and smiled at you and your stomach went into knots. What the hell? You didn't eve know this boy. He then turned back around to order his coffee with the other two boys and went to a table a few feet away from yours.

He whispered something to the other boys, all you could here of their conversation was 'don't look though!' The boys with their backs facing you turned around to look directly at you anyway, and you blushed so hard. They talked away and you shook off the scene that just happened in front of you and continued your conversation with Tee.

"OMG, did you just see that?! That boy totally likes you!" Tee squeals, looking as bubbly as ever. The boy must have heard because he looks at you yet again and smiles.  "Tee omg shut up! We don't even know each other! Stop doing that!" You whispered harshly, a bit too loud. you sipped on your coffee when you noticed the boys leaving.

They had to walk past you because the door was next to you. Awkward. Just before they walked out of the door, the other blond guy nudged him causing him to nearly bump right into you.

"I am so sorry, oh my goodness George!!!" The boy blushed. 'George' replied "I am not even sorry." with a big smirk on his face, high-fiving the brunette boy. You just laughed and shook your head.

"Don't worry about it." you smiled politely, he smiled back. The brunette looked over to Tee, "Is she okay?" he asked, a bit worried. "Oh yeah, she's fine." You sighed, Tee was nearly dying with feels because she was obviously rooting for you and the boy.

"We need to go, I have a train to catch. I will hopefully see you later?" The dirty blond asked, with a glint of hope in his eyes. You nodded as they walked away, "hopefully.."

When you got to your platform an announcement was made that the train to Accrington was delayed by an hour. You huffed, you were fed up and just wanted to go home now. Even though you were kind of happy that you got to spend one more hour with Tee. You thought back to the boys you met in starbucks and wondered were they were heading to, then you remember that only the dirty blond one had a bag.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around to face the dirty blond boy. "We meet again," Tee winked, very very badly. Bless. You 5 ended up talking for that hour, you found out you and Reece were getting the same train and the other 2 boys were staying in London for 3 more nights with family but Reece had to go home and visit a poorly family member. You and Reece spoke for the whole train journey home, and when you got to Accrington you exchanged numbers and spoke everyday.

Hi I'm Beth! I'm going to be uploading some preference about the new hope club boys! I hope you enjoy them! :)

Twitter: @trumancsjb

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