Chapter 5: Digging a little deeper.

Start from the beginning

Elsa sighed and knocked nervously on the door.

The guardians meanwhile were waiting somewhat further away, out of the people's sights. After Elsa explained they were still anxious about everything that involved arround magic, they agreed it was better to stay hidden. Jack frowned as he thought about the queen. She was genuinely concerned for her people's well-being, yet the people didn't seem to return her kindness...

"Excuse me?" Jack startled when a young kid was pulling at his pants. "Why does your hair look like snow?"

"Oh, well, I..." No child had ever asked him this question! "I just like the color.." smiled Jack, not really knowing what to say. He couldn't tell the kid that it was done by the Moon. Maybe the kids from his own time, but he didn't know how kids thought in this time period. For all he knew, the kid might think him mad! He had to be carefull... Jack knelt down the little child and frowned worriedly when he saw the bags under the child's eyes. "Are you okay? You don't seem to have slept well these past few days..."

The child rubbed her eyes. "Yeah... Its just nightmares about the queen..."

"The queen?" asked Jack surprised, causing North and Sandy to earshove on the conversation as well. "You have nightmares about her? Why? She's a very nice person..."

The little child shuffled with her feet on the ground. "Mommy says she nearly killed her sister...and that she caused that winter..." The child shuddered. "My dog nearly died by the harsh cold..."


The child looked arround before turning her attention back to Jack. "I have to go... My mom doesn't want me to alone with strangers. She's not in a very good mood lately, and hasn't slept that well either..." The little girl's eyes stood worried for her parents.

"She has nightmares too?" pressed Jack further on, to get to know more out of the girl. God, Pitch must be behind all this...but why?

"I think so...she mumbled in her sleep, and in the morning, she-"

"Tiril!" blaffed a woman who appeared to be her mother. "Get here, now. Don't bother those..." Her eyes widened when she saw the strange looking people in front of her. "Come here, quickly" said the woman concerned for her daughter as she hastily picked her up. "I told you sweetie, not to talk with strangers!" Her voice began to dissappear arround the corner.

"But mommy, that boy had such beautiful ha-"

"Those are magicans, Tiril! They aren't to be trusted!"

For a moment, Jack wished he couldn't be seen by those adults piercing, judging eyes. Even by just standing here, caused people to look at him, North and Sandy. Which was another thing...

"North, why are we suddenly visible to adults?" sissed Jack to the fellow guardian as he pressed his back against one of the houses.

"Well, I have a couple of theories-"

"I don't want theories, I want an explanation" growled Jack. He was worried sick for Toothiana and, although he would never say that out loud, for Bunny. Sandman replied by making a figure with steam coming out of his ears. Then, the figure calmed down. "Yes, Sandy, I know I have to calm down..." spoke Jack to the little guardian. "Its just I'm worried for Tooth and Bunny alright? We can't just sit here and-"

"Don't you think we are worried too, Jack?" said North while rising his voice slightly. "Don't you think we want to rush to them as well?"

Jack went silent, feeling ashamed, thinking that his other friends didn't care.

"We do care, Jack, and we will find them..." North sighed and began another topic to keep his mind busy. Otherwise, he feared he might just freak out as much as Jack. "To answer your question, I believe because we went back in time, do I put it...we kinda restored to our former selves..."

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