fifty eight.

39 11 0

it's three am and i am still awake;
sunshine girl went to sleep hours ago,
never one for the nighttime,
and i stare through my window
following the sliver of moonlight
on my pillow.
to my left,
my phone beeps once,
it is you,
and i do not know what to do.

it's three am and i am still awake;
nebula girl is on the other side of her phone,
anxiously awaiting those little dots
that mean i care enough to answer.
hey kat, she says;
followed by, i hope you're still awake.
silly girl, you should know
i don't sleep.
i am one with the night.
finally, my heavy thumbs
tap out a message.
yeah gen, i'm up.

it's three am and i am still awake;
you start typing immediately
and i wonder where this newfound
interest in me came from.
how's kam? you ask,
and of course i respond she's good
because she is,
she's happy now,
and that makes me happy too.
i wonder if all of my feelings come through
in those two little words;
a long time ago,
you would've sensed it immediately.

it's three am and i am still awake;
we have school tomorrow
and i figure i should sleep
sometime other than in spanish class,
but you never give up,
how stubborn.
how you.
i want to meet her again, you say,
please give me a second chance.
i want to tell you it's not a second chance,
it's a third
a fourth
an entirely-too-many chance,
but instead i silence our conversation
and roll back to the moonlight.


a/n: hello it's me, you're fave non-updating lil shit! i decided to give them names - do y'all like it? love ya, i'm outie!

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