Chapter 10

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Dawn broke over the goblin kingdom, bright and clear. Goblin King Jareth finally emerged from his study, tired but elated beyond measure. In the twilight hours, Jareth had come to a crucial decision about his relationship with Sarah. As much as he had enjoyed drawing out their romance, he simply could no longer delay revealing his inner most feelings to Sarah. It was time he made the same offer he had before, though this time minus the previous conditions and misunderstandings. If he truly wanted Sarah to stay with him forever, it was high time he told her so. More importantly, after a bit more soul searching and endless hours of research, he found a way that he felt he could prove his love to Sarah once and for all.

It revolved around an ancient Fey ritual that hadn't been performed in eons. Long and complicated, the ritual itself was fraught with danger to any Fey performing it, but Jareth simply didn't care. If it helped him convince Sarah to be his forever, it would be worth the effort.

Jareth was sorely tempted to go to Sarah immediately, but he paused. He still wanted desperately to give Sarah the magnificent ball she was so looking forward to. Since the ritual itself was terribly magic draining, Jareth decided to delay until after the ball that evening. He simply couldn't resist giving Sarah her most romantic dream that she always wanted, especially since he had the most prominent role.

In the Royal chambers, Sarah awoke exhausted and bleary eyed. Even after a cold shower and splashing her face, she couldn't seem to muster much enthusiasm for the day ahead. Glancing around her room, Sarah was surprised to see a new wardrobe standing next to her dressing table. As Atta brought in her breakfast, Sarah opened it to see the new gowns the seamstress had made along with numerous outfits from Jareth's old trunk. Reluctantly, she dressed in a rather plain brown shirt and matching pants that seemed to suit her mood. For some reason, the colorful gowns held no attraction for her that morning. Sighing heavily, she barely touched her breakfast, much to Atta's consernation.

She was even tempted to remain in her room, but Atta insisted that she was needed in the throne room.

Jareth himself hadn't even bothered to return to his chambers. Still brimming with elation, he had merely change magically and headed straight for the throne room from his study. In the hall outside, he encountered his lovely Sarah.

"Good Morning, Sarah." he boomed cheerfully.

"Good Morning, Your Majesty." Sarah replied rather quietly.

Jareth instantly frowned at her rather subdued reply and appearance.

"Did you have a nice time with your friends?" he asked cautiously.

"It was fine." came Sarah's quiet reply.

Sensing something was wrong, Jareth tried a different approach. Taking her hand gently, he moved closer and spoke softly for only her to hear.

"I missed having dinner with you last evening, Sarah. I regret that I had to leave you, but I had to take care of something that simply couldn't wait."

Encouraged by his gentle touch and explanation, Sarah lifted her chin to look into his eyes.

"It's all right." she replied with more confidence." I know you couldn't help it. It can't be easy being the Goblin King."

Stepping back, Jareth took Sarah's arm in his companionably and began leading her to the throne room.

"You have no idea." he sighed regretfully." After all that egg business, I simply had to take a break yesterday. That's why I set up our little trip into the city."

"I wondered about that." Sarah replied, her smile returning at Jareth's easy manner and gentle attention.

"Unfortunately, I'll pay for it today. There will be twice as many issues to deal with." he stated rather gloomily." Ah well." he continued brightening a bit." At least I will have the lovely Lady Sarah at my side to make this arduous day more bearable and pleasant."

Laughing for the first time that day, Sarah replied, "I hope I'm up to the task!"

Ads they entered the throne room, Sarah noticed that the padded chair was now on the dais next to the Goblin King's throne. In between the two rested a small table. The Goblin King led Sarah to the chair and seated her before taking his own place on the throne. At his signal, the Royal Chamberlain began the Goblin Court.

Once again, Jareth found having Sarah there made things far more pleasant. He couldn't resist leaning over to make an occasional observation or comment to her. Though obviously attentive, Sarah didn't disrupt the proceedings or question any of Jareth's decisions. She merely seemed to be content to observe at his side. Midway through the session, a familiar pair of goblins were hauled before the Goblin King for fighting in the Royal castle. It was the two from the previous egg dispute! It seemed the chicken from before had laid more eggs that very morning, this time in the Castle courtyard. The two goblins had immediately come to blows over who owned them.

Hearing the charges read, Jareth rolled his eyes in frustration as Sarah vainly tried to cover her laughter by coughing. Turning so only Sarah could see his face, Jareth wiggled his eyebrows rather comically as he smiled. Sarah coughed harder.

When he turned back to the court, Jareth's face was a mask of fury. If she hadn't just seen his smile, Sarah would have been anxious. Dramatically, he stood.

"Have you two learned nothing?' he raged." Well, I've had enough! The eggs and chicken in question are to be sent to the royal larder. As for you two, you can spend the next two months at hard labor in the royal kitchens! Get these fools out of my sight!"

The Goblin King ordered a pause and the goblins scurried out, anxious to avoid the King's wrath.

Jareth merely returned to Sarah, dropping casually onto his throne. Seeing the room was clear, Sarah gave into the laughter that she had been fighting and this time, Jareth joined in. Finally catching her breath, she turned to the Goblin King, shaking her head ruefully.

"Honestly, Jareth," she declared." I don't know how you stand it! I'd probably end up sentencing someone to be flogged or something if I had to deal with all this!"

Smiling enigmatically, he replied," Well, it has been getting much easier, especially recently."

Jareth waved his hand and a plate of succulent fruit and pitcher of juice suddenly appeared." Hungry, Sarah?" he asked.

"Starving!" she replied as they both enthusiastically dug in.

The court resumed shortly and mercifully, the rest of the session passed uneventfully.

Soon, the session ended and the court was dismissed. Jareth escorted Sarah out of the throne room on his arm and then took her hand again once they were outside in the hall.

"I hate to leave you so abruptly again, Sarah, but I need to see to a few things before the ball." he said in a voice full of regret.

"I understand." Sarah replied." It's okay. I don't mind, Jareth."

"I'll come for you shortly before it's time," he promised.

"I'll be waiting." she answered softly.

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