Chapter 6

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Back in the King's private study, Jareth lazed in a chair, practically indolent with contentment as he watched Sarah. He had toyed with the idea of giving Sarah a suite to herself, but quickly rejected the notion. He found sharing his chambers with Sarah far too pleasing to allow her to move out. Still, he wanted his Sarah to feel comfortable around him so he had added a few elements to her room to give her some privacy as well as luxury. He hadn't even minded when her greatest joy had been at the return of her locket; especially now that he knew why it meant so much to her. Then, just when he thought his day could not improve, Sarah, in her musings, had presented him with another opportunity to give her something she desired and thus improve their relationship.

Frankly, it amused Jareth to no end that Sarah seemed to desire such mundane things this time. He was after all one of the most powerful Fey that ever lived and able to reorder time. Last time they met, he had done just that and more in his failed attempt to beguile her. Now, she only longed to see his kingdom. Jareth had to admit to himself that he was elated over Sarah's curiosity about his domain. In his mind, he was already planning the many places he couldn't wait to show her, knowing they would bring her pleasure. But first, he would start with the Goblin city itself.

A short time later, Jareth sent a goblin to summon Sarah. He had been quite patient in giving Sarah some time to settle in. He had even been generous enough to let her spend much of the day with her old friend, Hoggle. But he had grown tired of waiting and was anxious for her company again, especially in light of the day's revelations. He had quickly changed his study into a more relaxing and inviting space and even conjured a light, but delicious meal to share with Sarah.

For her part, Sarah was a bit nervous at being summoned by the Goblin King. Sarah was still reconciling her new realizations about Jareth with her own tumultuous feelings. So, when she was taken to "the Kingy's private studyness room", Sarah wasn't sure what to expect. When the giant door opened, Sarah was pleasantly surprised to see a rather pretentious but inviting place. Though an imposing desk and throne-like chair occupied one corner, the rest of the room consisted of overstuffed, comfortable furniture that surrounded a roaring fireplace. In the center of a rather plush looking rug, a table heavily laden with scrumptious smelling food stood next to a pair of chairs. Next to the chairs was the Goblin King.

"Ahh, there you are, Sarah." the Goblin King said rather genially. "I've been waiting for you. I hope you and Hoggle had a pleasant visit."

This time it was Sarah's turned to be confounded by the Goblin King's behavior.

Sarah was totally bewildered at the pleasant tone Jareth was speaking in.

Where was his usual sarcasm and smug arrogance? He was even truly smiling, for heaven sake!

Sarah curtsied and replied a bit self consciously." Umm, it was fine, Your Majesty."

What Jareth said next bewildered her even more.

" I thought we might dispense with some of the formality tonight, Sarah" he said. " In fact, I was hoping we could get to know each other a bit more over dinner. Besides, I do have a name, you know, Sarah, and it would please me if you use it. You may address me as Jareth, if you like."

Jareth strolled over and leisurely took Sarah's hand gently in his own. He guided her over to one of the chairs and gallantly pulled it out for her as she sat down. Once she was settled, he took his own seat and began fixing their plates.

"Try this, Sarah. I think you'll like the taste."

Over the next two hours, Sarah began to relax as she and Jareth actually talked for the first time. Jareth had once again perplexed Sarah by being interested in her life over the past three years. He had asked her questions about her mother, her classes, her life in Manhattan, and even wanted to know how Toby was faring.

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